He Bought A Kid Some Candy At A Gas Station, But When Their Mom Found Out About It She Wasn’t Happy About It
by Matthew Gilligan
It sure seems like the guy who wrote this story on Reddit had his heart in the right place, but come on…you shouldn’t give candy to kids you don’t know!
At least that’s what I think, but what do I know…?
Take a look at what he had to say and you can decide if you think he acted like a creep.
AITA for giving a kid a piece of candy on his birthday?
“This happened on Christmas Eve.
I was at the corner store at the end of my street getting some gas and a drink.
As I was filling my cup, 2 kids (a boy and a girl) and a mother come in, the boy was super excited about it being his birthday and ran up to me telling me all about it.
How cute!
I congratulated him as I was getting my lid and straw, his sister pointed out some of the new Japanese candies that the store recently started selling.
He ran over and looked over them when the mother walked up behind them.
He was talking about how cool they looked and about how he wished he could get one so I said “well since it’s your birthday go ahead and pick one out, I’ll pay for it with my stuff.”
The cashier saw and also chimed in “go ahead and grab a chocolate” so the boy grabbed a piece of chocolate and a Japanese candy.
Oh, boy…
The mother looked at me with a nasty look but didn’t say anything.
As she was digging through her purse the cashier asked me if I wanted one too.
Seeing this as an opportunity to try and lighten the mood with her I cracked a joke.
“No thanks, I’m trying to keep my girl-ish figure”
(I’m a heavy set guy).
Her kids were laughing but she just responded “mmm, ok sir” and paid for her things and left.
I still paid for the kids candy and my stuff after she left but it just rubbed me the wrong way.
Did I do something wrong?”
Check out what folks had to say about this.
This person shared their thoughts.
Another individual spoke up.
This reader said they acted like an *******.
One person chimed in.
Another person weighed in.
Parents don’t like it when strangers give their kids candy.
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