Bride Thought Her Wedding Went Perfectly, But Catching Up With Her Friend Led To The Revelation That She Was Being Stalked By The Wedding Planner
by Kyra Piperides
Sometimes being hit on is fun, other times it’s downright creepy.
And being contacted by someone who tracked you down after seeing you in a public place?
That definitely falls into creepy territory.
But that’s exactly what happened to the friend of the woman in this story.
And now she feels responsible because it happened at her wedding.
Read on to find out exactly how this creeper found her.
WIBTA if I tell my wedding planner friend what her assistant did at my wedding?
I am 27 and married my best friend (28) about a month ago.
One of my good friends is a wedding planner, and I used her company for the coordinating.
She was a guest at the wedding but had three other people from her company work with my husband and I.
They were amazing.
The whole wedding went perfectly.
There was not a single complaint about the job the company did.
One of the assistants was this guy who looked to be about my age.
I didn’t give it much thought.
Read on to find out how the drama started.
This past weekend, I hung out with my friend Clara, who is 25.
This was the first time we were seeing each other since my wedding.
Clara told me a “funny story” about my wedding.
She said that a few days after my wedding, she received an Instagram follow and message from someone she didn’t know.
The gist of the message was that it was from the assistant coordinator at my wedding.
He pretty much said that he was working and couldn’t say anything, but that he noticed her at the wedding and thought she was really beautiful and he wanted to ask her on a date.
She asked how he found her and he “proudly” said that he noticed her, looked up the seating chart of the table she was seated at for dinner, and looked up every girl at the table until he found her.
Uh-oh. Let’s see how this guy’s behavior made the woman feel.
She said she wasn’t comfortable with that and blocked him.
She told me it was funny in hindsight but at the time she was a little uncomfortable.
Clara did emphasize to me that she didn’t think it was a big deal.
Would I be wrong to tell my wedding planner friend about what happened?
She will most likely report him to the head of the company, and maybe he will or maybe he won’t be fired.
I don’t know if I’m being vindictive or not.
It doesn’t sit right that we paid a guy to do a job and he ended up stalking and DMing my friend.
Wow, this is absolutely not okay.
If he couldn’t speak to her at the wedding because of his job, then stalking her and talking to her later is even worse!
Let’s see what Reddit had to say about this.
This person had a clear message for the woman.
And this commenter reinforced the potential legal ramifications of his choices.
However, other people didn’t see anything wrong with his behavior.
Sure, some people might think that it’s romantic – but this guy’s behavior was a breach of company policy (by his own admission) and borderline stalkerish at best.
If he does it again, there could be huge consequences for the company, and maybe even for the individual involved.
It might be awkward to tell her friend, but it’s also crucial that she does.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, creep, creeper, creepy, picture, reddit, social media, social media stalking, Stalker, stories, top, wedding, wedding planner

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