A Neighborhood Dog Gets Nice Outdoor Accommodations But No Attention, And Its Barking Has The Neighborhood Pawing For Better Treatment
by Chelsea Mize

We all know the neighborhood paw-riah with the dog that never stops barking.
Maybe we’ve even been that guy.
In this story, somebody finally confronts the offender and it goes down ruff.
Let’s see why this poster is in the doghouse…
AITA for telling my neighbor why everyone avoids him?
I (49) have lived in my neighborhood for seven years and had the same next door neighbor(s) until a year ago when ‘Mark’ (28) bought the house next door.
About a month later, he got a Husky puppy he named Pepper.
He then built a makeshift outdoor encampment that included built-in food bowls, coolaroo shades across the patio, a fire pit, a dog house and some flood lights.
I could see the progress from my bedroom window and thought, “Wow, that’s a nice outdoor space for a dog.”
I’d go camping more if I had a space like that.
But then I realized that Pepper was always outside.
When it rained, in the hot summer, in the freezing cold, and even on weekends when Mark went fishing with his buddies.
Pepper barked incessantly and one day a neighbor stopped me while on a walk and asked if I heard Pepper barking. I did.
And so did they.
And so did other people.
But maybe Pepper is just not the Thoreau type.
Someone had also posted on our HOA FB page that they heard a dog barking at 3am and couldn’t figure out where it was coming from.
They thought it was the community next to us that abuts our neighborhood.
But I knew it was Pepper.
Things are getting spicy with Pepper.
In the past few months, we’ve had some get togethers as neighbors and friends but since everyone connected the barking to Pepper, they feel Mark is incredibly negligent.
They’re mad that a Husky is being left in a backyard 24/7.
They would rather not invite him to join us.
One neighbor even called Animal Control but since Pep had clean water, shade, and, sturdy shelter, it’s not considered a violation in our county.
Since Animal control investigated Mark has been less than friendly, but he recently stopped by my house to give me mail that was left in his box in error.
Lotta marks in the bad neighbor column for Mark.
We got to talking and he asked me why our neighbors have been giving him the ‘cold shoulder’ and why someone called Animal Control on him.
Before I could think gentle thoughts I responded, “Well many people feel that you are neglecting Pepper and he deserves better than to be left to his own devices all day and on weekends when you hang out with your friends.”
Mark looked stunned.
Then hurt.
He mumbled something about loving his dog and being misunderstood and just walked away without so much as a “see ya later.”
Sounds like these neighbors are in for some dog days.
AITA for being honest?
Let’s see what tree these comments bark up…
This person says, pepper that dog with some attention.
Someone else says Mark built a castle for no reason.
Another poster says that husky is asking for more.
This poster points out Mark clearly didn’t do his research.
Somebody else says this guy has more bark than bite.
No bones about it, this dog needs some love.
Hopefully the owner wakes up and smells the coffee soon.
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