Teenage Girl Was Allowed To Attend Her First Concert, But With Family Members She Didn’t Want To Hang Out With. So She Found A Clever Workaround.
by Heide Lazaro

First concerts are a big deal, especially to teenagers.
This woman was finally allowed to go see Bon Jovi with her best friends.
She couldn’t have been more excited, but at the last minute, she learned that some family members had to come, too.
So, she came up with a perfect plan to do what she was told to do but not in the way her family expected.
Read the story below and find out all the details.
I CAN Go To The Concert, But My Sister Has To Go With? Ok That’s fine
It was going to be my first concert. I was 16.
Bon Jovi and Skid Row!
There were so many people wanting to go that you had to get a linepass to even get in the line for tickets.
This woman was allowed to watch the concert with her friends.
I was allowed to go with my two best friends.
This was a big deal as I wasn’t allowed to do anything, ever.
This was going to be huge!
She was informed at the last minute that some family members will join her, too.
At the last minute, literally on the way to the line, I’m told:
“Your sister, her husband, and your little sister are going with you. And you can ‘take it or leave it’.”
Well, alright then..
She did not want to sit and hang out with her family.
My two besties and I were dropped off to join the line.
I was given money for 4 tickets to cover all of my family’s tickets.
At some point during this long wait, it occurs to us that we’ll all have to sit in our assigned seats, and neither I nor my friends want to hang out with my family, which includes my old sister, her old husband, and my little sister.
She made two separate transactions.
Here comes the malicious compliance.
I got to the counter, asked for 3 tickets, and completed the transaction.
And then 3 more tickets please, as far away from the first 3 as you can get them.
The cashier totally knew what was up and gave me 3 more on the complete other side of the arena.
It was a secret they never shared with them.
We never mentioned it.
Instead, we pretended to “realize” it was a bummer on the way to the show.
They knew it was no coincidence, but there was nothing to be done at that point.
We rocked out like crazy people and I even got a t-shirt!
That was genius. Let’s see what others have to say about this on Reddit.
Well played, says this person.
This person is “totally jealous.”
This person loves the malicious compliance.
People are starting to reminisce.
Finally, short and meaningful.
She followed the rules, just not in the way her family expected.
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