July 19, 2024 at 8:15 pm

She Has A Serious Stomach Condition And Her Sister Kept Giving Her Unsolicited Healthy Eating Advice, So She Told Her To Keep Her Opinions To Herself

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Pexels/ Adrienn

Everyone seems to have an opinion on what the best and healthiest way to eat is, and all too often, they feel like they need to share that opinion with others.

What happens when someone shares that opinion and it is very unwelcome?

That’s the situation in this story, let’s check it out.

AITA for telling my sister if I wanted her opinion on my eating habits I would’ve asked for it

I (20f) just learned I am autistic, like I found out about 3 days ago.

That’s a weird secret to keep.

I was diagnosed 5 years ago but nobody ever told me because they thought I didn’t notice.

I, of course, noticed and just thought there was something wrong with me but that’s another story.

One thing that I really struggle with and have struggled with for years is trying new foods.

I eat a lot of healthy food but not an extremely wide variety.

My mom made a spread with a lot of foods for dinner today.

Sounds like a great spread to me.

There was a truffle pizza, boiled eggs, chicken (just plain chicken sliced), cut up vegetables, a salad, her version of garlic bread, and maybe a couple other things on there.

I’ve never had truffle pizza and don’t really know what truffle is so that was a no, I don’t like boiled eggs, I only eat plain chicken with ketchup and we were out of ketchup, so that pretty much left vegetables and a piece of bread soaked in olive oil.

She knew I wasn’t going to eat the meal stuff so she picked up a trader joes Mac and cheese for me on her way home from work.

When I joined everyone for dinner, my sister (22f) asked why the bottle of salad dressing was on the table and my mom said not everyone likes that dressing (I only like it with ranch or some other dressing that my neighbor makes).


My sister said they all know I’m the only one that doesn’t like it and poured the dressing in the salad anyways.

Then I was eating and my sister started talking about how I really shouldn’t be eating the Mac and cheese and that the food my mom made is a lot better for me. Especially considering my stomach issues.

I have ulcerative colitis and she and my parents have been trying to convince me for years that if I just changed my diet I’d be able to cure my incurable condition and stop getting 8 weeks worth of medicine every 4 weeks.

Great job standing up for yourself.

I told her if I wanted her opinion on my diet I’d ask for it and she kept going on about how she just wants what’s good for my health and how rude I am.

My mom told her to stop but also said that she was right and that I need to email my doctor about changing my med schedule.

She’s been bugging me to change to from every 4 weeks to 6 weeks for 2 years now.

I told everyone to shut up and now they’re mad at me for being rude

So AITA for telling my sister that if I wanted her opinion I’d ask for it?

Definitely NTA. The sister needs to mind her own business.

Let’s take a look at some of the comments and see what they said.

This person points out common courtesy.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This commenter wants some more information.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person says it isn’t about her health.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Yup, that dressing isn’t too healthy.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person suggests she consults with a food therapist.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Some people need to learn to mind their own business.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.