October 17, 2024 at 3:48 am

Their Aunt Ruined Them And Stole The Family Business, But He Got Revenge With The Help Of A Thunderstorm And A Little Poison Ivy

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Pexels/Cotton bro studios

Some people are so spiteful they would do anything to find their way and get what they want.

When that person is family, things can get personal, and fast.

This man’s aunt was so mean she ruined an entire family business just because she could.

Check out the details below.

Great aunt gets an itch she can’t quite scratch.

So this happened about 7-8 years ago.

My grandfather ran this electrical supply store that his father started, and his still living mother owned.

My great grandmother also owned quite a bit of real estate and land around the town, and was a slumlord landlord.

She was the epitome of evil to quite a lot of people, and everyone hated her, including most of my family.

This lady was a nuisance!

To give you some traits of this woman, she threw a scalding hot pot of coffee on my uncle, snuck into my grandparents house one night and beat my grandmother with a baseball bat, etc.

Just an all around spiteful human being, but you know, family.

She was in her 90s and still had plenty of life in her.

She took absolutely no meds, not even aspirin.

This woman even survived a hit on her that resulted in 2 .22LR rounds being forever stuck in her brain.

That was a traumatic experience, but a story for another time.

They had a family business…

Well my grandfather managed the store, my uncle bid their supply jobs, and my mother handled all the rentals.

I helped around pretty much everywhere and grew up in that business.

Well one day out of the blue, my estranged great aunt (grandfather’s sister), shows up to visit my great grandmother.

No big deal, she’s been known to do this about every 4-5 years.

Well over the course of the following months, we had noticed a change in demeanor towards us.

This lady started acting weird.

She started spending all her time with her daughter, who we’ll call Gayle.

We didn’t know it at the time, but Gayle was having her rewrite her entire will.

Over the following months, Gayle had enlisted the help of some of our local PD using her mom’s checkbook.

Taps were placed on all our phones, my grandfather and uncle were both arrested under mysterious circumstances.

My grandfather’s mentally disabled brother died under mysterious circumstances in their home.

The power of attorney my mom held was revoked and put in her name, and then she had my great grandmother declared incompetent.

They were devastated by the sudden turn of events!

It was a complete storm that hit us all in a row, then she up and fires everyone in the family because it’s now all hers.

Luckily at this time, we were able to destroy almost every physical copy of data we had, but not the computers.

She changed all the locks and even had her corrupt cop buddies help play guard dog for her.

To say we were furious would be an understatement.

My family had poured their heart and soul into that business for decades, and it was all ripped out from under us in an instant.

He wanted his revenge!

My family likes to take the high road, but me, not always.

I pondered and waited for the right moment.

It was about 2 months later when a very rough storm was rolling through one summer night.

I grabbed my bag of supplies and hopped into my truck.

It was about 1 am, and the town was dead.

No one wanted to get out in that torrential downpour.

I pulled up behind the building and turned off the vehicle.

He knew what he was doing…

Now I was pretty much raised in this building, and knew it inside and out.

I also had helped install the security cameras, so I had that knowledge as well.

I picked the machine shop door and snuck in.

From this point on, I began to lace every possible surface with poison ivy.

Keyboards, mice, phones, counters, door knobs, toilet seat, toilet paper, just anything I knew she would touch.


Interesting little fact about my family: almost everyone in my family is highly allergic to it, so much so that they have to go to the hospital for just getting near it.

I lucked out on the genetic lottery and it doesn’t affect me at all.

After every surface had a nice, oily film to it, I proceeded to open up the business computers and wipe every financial record and every backup.

He wanted to get rid off everything!

I also decided to sabotage to computers electrical supply so it looked like a power surge blew it.

To my glee, I heard the next day that she was in the hospital and a lightning strike had fried their comps.

She spent that entire week in the hospital, and had to keep going back for months because they just couldn’t get rid of the poison ivy.

All invoices and accounts both for the electrical supply business and the hundreds of rentals were all lost.

Literally all of the information had just disappeared.

He won but at what cost?

I wish I could say this story had some sort of happy conclusion, but unfortunately there isn’t one.

My family couldn’t afford to keep the lawsuits up, and grew exhausted from the harassment, especially after my great grandmother died.

We lost, but I made her life nightmarish for it.

She was never able to truly salvage either business.

She was a raging sociopath, and definitely not cut out for business.

People turned against the mean lady.

I’ve heard over the years that she was able to “salvage” the rentals somewhat, with a few hiccups.

One tenant threw a brick at her car for threatening her, several people have shot up the business, bricks thrown through her windows, etc.

I’m sure there’s way more, but I don’t keep up.

They ended up ruining the family business over a power struggle.

Guess everyone learnt a lesson there.

Let’s find out what the Reddit community thinks about this one.

This user has an important question.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This user doesn’t believe this story…

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This person’s aunt was the real devil.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This user knows the man’s methods are effective.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This user wants to check up on the family.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Who would have thought family could be this mean!

If only they’d came to terms and divided the assets, things wouldn’t have gone this far…

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.