Artist William Utermohlen (1933 – 2007) was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 1995. In a gripping series of self-portrait paintings, we see Utermohlen’s battle with Alzheimer’s documented through his evocative artwork. It is not known if the artist’s final series of self-portraits are a reflection of his physical skills deteriorating or the resulting mental…
More doctors like this guy please! Getting a shot can be a scary experience for a child but this doctor does his best to put this baby at ease. Hats off to you good sir.
The human body is a biological marvel. Tasked to protect it is our immune system, which is responsible for detecting and neutralizing a wide variety of agents, known as pathogens, and distinguishing them from our own healthy tissue. 28 years ago, National Geographic Magazine published an article entitled, Our Immune System: The Wars Within.…
Lisa’s father has Alzheimer’s and he has lost almost all of his speech. However, when he’s with the family dog, something magical happens. The compassion of animals is a powerful thing.
Photograph via Barrett Pharmacy In the small town of Watford City, North Dakota (population 1,744), the local pharmacy has a cure for kids that are afraid of the dark. Barret Pharmacy and Variety, 145 North Main St., Watford City, ND The pharmacy prescribes children one bottle of ‘Monster Spray’ with the directions:…
Joanne Milne from Gateshead, England has been deaf since birth. Joanne suffers from Ushers syndrome, a rare medical condition that has also impacted her vision. The 40-year-old was fitted with bilateral cochlear implants in February but had to wait four weeks to determine if the operation was a success. Joanne’s friend Tremayne Crossley was…
Photograph by University of Illinois and Washington University via St. Louis Public Radio You are looking at a thin, elastic membrane imprinted with an array of sensors and electrodes and designed to stretch over a heart. The cardiac device could one day help prevent heart attacks and replace the bulkier pacemakers and implantable defibrillators…
THIS CONTACT LENS COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE Photograph by Google Google is well known their ambitious and audacious side projects and their latest idea is no different. Announced yesterday on their official Google blog, project co-founders Brian Otis and Babak Parviz unveiled an intriguing image of a contact lens with a tiny…
In 1992, Dr. Jim Withers, an internal medicine physician, began providing medical care to Pittsburgh’s unsheltered homeless population. He partnered with street-savvy formerly homeless individuals and dressing as a homeless person, began to make night time street rounds in the alleys and under the bridges of the city. From this initial outreach service other…
Designer Sigga Heimis is currently presenting glass organs prototyped and created with GlassLab in an exhibition at Designgalleriet in Stockholm, Sweden. The exhibition (October 30 – November 15, 2013) presents gigantic glass hearts, lungs and brains to bring awareness to organ donation. Sigga Heimis has been working with GlassLab since 2007 at ArtBasel Miami.…