June 5, 2013 at 11:20 am

Hyperrealistic Portraits Drawn with Pencil

by twistedsifter


Franco Clun is a self-taught artist from Italy known for his hyperrealistic portraits drawn with only a pencil. All of his works are done on watercolor paper and take upwards of 50 hours to complete. Clun tells the Daily Mail:

“At the end of each drawing, I feel I know so much more about the person I have drawn. I learn something new every time I take a pencil in my hand.”


To see more incredible artwork from Franco, be sure to check out his gallery on deviantART.



ray bradbury by francoclun d5zn64m Hyperrealistic Portraits Drawn with Pencil

Artwork by FRANCO CLUN




daria meadow by francoclun d5g8idl Hyperrealistic Portraits Drawn with Pencil

Artwork by FRANCO CLUN




homeless warrior by francoclun d5ccvhx Hyperrealistic Portraits Drawn with Pencil

Artwork by FRANCO CLUN




the hobbit by francoclun d5pfh92 Hyperrealistic Portraits Drawn with Pencil

Artwork by FRANCO CLUN




fringe by francoclun d59utwr Hyperrealistic Portraits Drawn with Pencil

Artwork by FRANCO CLUN




good night by francoclun d50bcmw Hyperrealistic Portraits Drawn with Pencil

Artwork by FRANCO CLUN




xavier by francoclun d51d5gf Hyperrealistic Portraits Drawn with Pencil

Artwork by FRANCO CLUN




monnalisa by francoclun d51vm6l Hyperrealistic Portraits Drawn with Pencil

Artwork by FRANCO CLUN








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