The World’s Youngest-Ever Lego Certified Professional Just Made this 50,000 piece Great Wave
There are only 21 LEGO Certified Professionals in the world and Junpei Mitsui is the only one from Japan, and the youngest-ever when he was named a LEGO Certified Professional in 2011 at the age of 24.
Born in Akashi City, Mitsui’s latest LEGO masterpiece can be found on permanent display at the Hankyu Brick Museum in Osaka. For this work, Mitsui recreated Hokusai’s iconic Great Wave off Kanagawa, from 50,000 pieces of LEGO. It took him over 400 hours to complete.
Mitsui says it’s one of the best works he’s ever built, and it’s easy to see why. Below you will close-ups and a video of the incredible sculpture. To see more from Jumpei, check out his online profiles below!
[h/t Spoon & Tamago]

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