13 Job Screw-Ups That’ll Make You Shake Your Head
Maybe these stories from complete strangers about job screw-ups will make you feel a little bit better about your own shame…
Let’s take a look at what Twitter users said about this
When an Admin at the (then) National Assembly for Wales, I accidentally forwarded a video called ‘Bean Bag’ (featuring a guy with giganticism of the scrotum/testacles) to the Commissioner for European Affairs.
Those before me in the email chain were (understandably) livid.
— Kris Jeffs (@cario_clecs) May 13, 2021
Inadvertently changed every single button on the till to a pint of bitter. Want to pay for your stay in the hotel? Hang on whilst I woke out how many pints that is. Thankfully the till repair man was only an hour away 😭
— Mary McGuckin 💙 (@fairymarymary) May 13, 2021
As a rookie English teacher in Spain I felt I had to explain in Spanish what a weasel was, and not knowing the word for it I said “it’s a long thing that goes into rabbit holes”. I was then unaware that the Spanish word for rabbit doubles as a vulgarism for female genitalia.
— An eloquent and astute building in Ecuador (@Cakesniffe1) May 13, 2021
When I was at Nintendo magazine, a young reader challenged me to an online Pokémon battle. I shouted a lot of incredibly rude words at my DS as she wiped the floor with me. At the end a tiny voice came out of the console saying “well done”. One of the new features was voice chat.
— Steve Hogarty (@misterbrilliant) May 14, 2021
One of my many, many temporary jobs was looking after the pool at a holiday park. One weekend I had other plans and so decided to just put extra chlorine in, thinking it would be OK for the weekend. Returned to work to find a green pool and angry parents of kids with white hair.
— Jay 🇮🇪🏳️🌈 (@ScouseSocialism) May 12, 2021
opening night of Sex and the City 2 film, packed screen we encouraged all the audience to dress up for and they were all drunk as fuck. i was hungover in the projection booth and laced up The Tooth Fairy starring the Rock instead. got about 20 minutes into the film, nearly a riot
— catholic goth (@antibloom) May 13, 2021
Had work experience in a vet surgery as a gormless teen. They handed me an bottle of brassy liquid and said “take this to that sink and clean it out”.
I squirted almost the full bottle right down the drain before I realised it was disinfectant and it was the sink I was to clean.
— Joe Dillon (@joffocakes) May 13, 2021
Saturday shop job working on the tills I found a little button with a key under the counter. Spent an idle 10 minutes pressing the button and turning the key, over and over, until 3 police cars screeched up outside. Not my fault no one had ever told me about the silent alarm.
— One Man and His Meeple – solo BG videos (@onemanmeeple) May 13, 2021
most embarrassing was making up an entire statute in front of a full court while trying to defend my right to be present to report on a hearing. the judge was like “nice try but that law does not exist, goodbye”. (sorry @DBanksy i should have listened more in your classes)
— Zoe Beaty (@zoe_beaty) May 13, 2021
I was hurrying to leave at the end of the day. I put on my jacket in a hurry. Pushed my hand through the sleeve and accidentally punched my boss’s mother in the face. She was visiting the office. That was a bad day.
— Nick Ward (@WoodofKings) May 13, 2021
Magazine I was working for put ‘The Wolf of Wolf Street’ as a cover hit, which none of us caught on proof. Got email from hilarious subscriber asking about the sequel ‘The Wall of Wall Street’.
— Rosie Fletcher (@RosarellaFletch) May 13, 2021

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