14 Life Hacks Totally Worth Sharing
You see life hacks all over the internet, on every social media app you’ve ever heard of, so it can be hard to weed out the ones that are actually worth scrolling through.
You’ll just have to trust us on this, because we couldn’t wait another day to share these 14 great ones.
14. I mean, it makes sense.
“If you’re ever baking and realize you’re out of eggs, use mayo. I go by this formula: three tablespoons of mayo equals one egg.
You’ll also be surprised that it makes things a little moister.”
13. I feel the same way about kitchen scissors.
“Pizza cutters are the most underutilized kitchen utensil.” You can use them for so much more than just, well, pizza.
I use one to cut my kids pancakes!”
12. The best iced coffee around.
“Drink your coffee without watering it down. Just freeze coffee in an ice cube tray and store in your freezer.”
11. And you’ve got one on your phone!
“Use a flashlight to help you find small dropped items like pins or staples. It’s also way easier to spot small pieces of broken glass.
You’ll be able to see changes in texture and color more easily and the reflection from the flash will really help, even if you’re looking in daylight.”
10. Pro butter hack.
“If you need to warm up cold butter in a hurry, simply heat a dish big enough to cover the amount of butter needed. I typically microwave the dish with a bit of water in it to help heat it up. Then, dry the dish and place it over the cold butter.
Within five to seven minutes, the butter will be softened. It’s way better than microwaving it. It’s a quick simple hack that works .”
9. This person is a literal genius.
“Duct tape a washcloth around a hanger to clean under your fridge and stove.”
8. Only monsters.
Throw your pillows in the dryer to help fluff them back up. “Who doesn’t love fluffy pillows?!”
7. Unless it’s like, Sonic ice.
“When packing for a long road trip or camping, freeze gallon-sized milk bottles full of water to keep your food and drinks cold. Why buy ice?
Plus, if the local water tastes bad or you don’t have access to clean water, you can always let them melt and drink them.”
6. Bath crayons work too.
“Keep some dry-erase markers in the bathroom.
They’re great for writing out notes, to-dos, and reminders to take stuff like vitamins or medications. They work on most mirrors and glass shower doors. Plus, it’s easy to wipe off.
I like how when brushing my teeth at night I can quickly see what I have to do the next day.”
5. It’s for the same purpose if you think about it.
“Our diaper bin broke so I am using a litter container instead. Just saved me $30.”
4. Great for school lunches, too.
“Put lemon juice on your apple slices to keep them from oxidizing for a couple days.”
3. Like goes to like.
“If you accidentally drop an eggshell into your bowl of eggs, scoop it out using the other half of the eggshell.
The pieces will almost gravitate toward each other (wet fingers and strainer also work but find this to be the quickest and easiest).”
2. I need to know why.
“If you have deodorant stains on your clothes, simply rub them off using pantyhose.
It works perfectly.”
1. I bet it’s really satisfying, too.
“One chopstick + two rubber bands = getting all the toothpaste out of the tube.”
I hope you found these helpful.
I’m definitely going to try these at home!
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