December 3, 2022 at 1:54 am

People Share The Things That Have Always Been And Will Always Be Great

by Trisha Leigh

Human beings might be more alike than we are different, but getting people to agree on something can still be a chore.

Not so with these 14 entries, which people everywhere agree are awesome, have always been awesome, and will be awesome until the end of time.

14. Contagious laughter.

When someone laughs so hard the let out the snort they were trying to suppress.

13. As long as it’s still a thing.


12. Heaven.

Fresh sheets.

Love so many of these, but clean fresh sheets, rain on a tin roof and a day off the next day… That’s heaven, right there. And clean sheets are things we take for granted; many many people don’t have pollution free places to hang sheets, or clothes dryers to dry them.

Regular clean sheets are a privilege and one we should always be grateful for.

11. Just two whole days of nothing.

Friday evenings in expectation of a weekend without any plans.

10. We’ll all take the extra.

Waking up in the middle of the night, and thinking your alarm will go off soon, only to realize you went to bed earlier than usual and you still have hours and hours of sleep left.

9. It can’t miss.


You smile at a stranger, you make their day.

You smile at your waiter, you get amazing service.

You smile at a kid, they smile back with the most genuine heartwarming smile.

You smile at a serial killer, they think you are a serial killer and they leave you alone.

8. All a bonus.

Driving out of your town/city when starting a road trip.

For a bonus, try leaving for your trip while it’s still dark out so just as you’re leaving town, the sun is coming up.

Things are mostly quiet and still, that sunlight starting to peek up, add a full cup of coffee and I’m set.

7. It’s nice if you can find it.

Having a relationship where both partners love and care about each other.

Today is moving day for us (bought a house, finally). Movers were supposed to be here an hour ago, there’s only two of them to move our entire 3-bedroom apartment, and I am accordingly a nervous wreck.

My wife called me into our room, had me turn off the light, lie down next to her, then just held on to me for like five minutes. Then up and back to work.

I don’t know how she does it but no one else can calm me down like she can (and she says it’s the same for her with me). She’s my rock, I couldn’t be more grateful or thankful for her. These movers, on the other hand…

6. So say we all.

Taking your bra off at the end of the day.

One thing the pandemic taught me, life is better without a bra.

5. We all know it’s true.

That feeling when you’ve been holding in a piss or shit for an hour and finally get the sweet release. Bonus points if you get it in the toilet.

4. It can be done.

There are certain humans who are consistently decent, honest and reliable their whole lives.

Dolly Parton for example. 60 years in music and she was a class act as a 16 year old when she arrived in Nashville and remains that to this day. No scandal, no skeletons. As talented a singer/songwriter as there is.

IMHO I Will Always Love You rivals the greatest songs ever written. She is now awesome, has always been awesome and will remain awesome even after she’s gone.

3. Literally no one likes meetings.

Meetings getting canceled.

Especially the Friday at 3 meetings.

2. Blessed freedom.

Walking out of work that last day before your vacation begins.

That feeling of looking forward to something fun and different for a week or two if its on the agenda.

1. There’s nothing like it.


Learning to play music well enough to be able to make decent music yourself. It takes so long, and its so hard, but you stick with it, and eventually you can do it. The feeling of accomplishment is incredible AND you’ve got music as a reward.

Yep, no arguments here, either.

It’s a holiday miracle!

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