12 People Share Stories About How They Learned Someone Was Cheating On Them
These responses are going to be depressing and heartbreaking…
But these folks are putting it out there, so we might as well see what they have to say, right?
Take a look at these stories from AskReddit users about how they found out someone was cheating on them.
1. Whose car is that?
“My neighbor told me that there was a odd car parked in my driveway when the ex was supposed to be at work.”
2. Caught in the act.
“My friends found out before me and knew they (the cheaters) were going to the movies together.
My friends begged me to go see a movie with them so that I could catch them in the act because they knew I wouldn’t believe them if they just told me.
True friends.”
3. That was fast.
“I didn’t know at the time we broke up, for sure, but she was engaged a week after we broke up.
I can’t even figure out how that worked, exactly.”
4. Wow.
“The other woman knocked on my front door and asked me to take my kid and get out so that the two of them could be together and be happy.
I told her she could have him, but they’d have to go because technically I owned the house. I then told him he was free to go.
He did not go, sadly. She’d been dropped off by her ex who she’d cheated on with my (ex)husband. That was quite awkward.”
5. Where are you?
“He hooked up with random girls when he was supposed to be at his mom’s.
One evening at a friends party,there was a girl who wasn’t of our group ( a friend of a friend) She went ” Oh! Hi! Remember me! It was sooo fun”.”
6. Phone records.
“I was looking at revising our phone plan to one with less data and happened to notice a massive amount of texts on her line. Dug into the records and found it was to a coworker.
About 48 hrs later I got home from work (night shift) and she wasn’t home. Took a random guess and drove to their office at 4am (for some reason, common ground made sense). Found them both in the parking lot…”
7. The affair.
“A man knocked on my door and introduced himself as the husband of a woman that my husband worked with.
He was there to tell me that his wife was having an affair with my husband.
My husband never came home after that. He got an Airbnb and told me to get a lawyer. We had been together for 24 years.”
8. The sign.
“She stopped giving me hugs.
Sometimes you just know…”
9. Unexplained.
“Large unexplained cash withdrawals. Then the phone bill.
In those days, landline bills listed all your calls. I called a number just to see who this strange number was that repeated on the bill so many times. I spoke to his wife.
She casually informed me he usually had affairs with his students. He then actually called me and told me that his relationship with my wife was none of my business and that I was wrong to “bring his wife into it.” Seriously.”
10. Doing the deed.
“He gave me his phone to hold while he was having a minor medical procedure and while in the waiting room, a text came through.
It said something like “Ha, so we can do the deed again?” and I was totally confused, so I scrolled up through the text thread and read “I’m sorry if you feel guilty” and “No, I’d only feel guilty if I still loved her” and that was the end of that relationship.”
11. Bold.
“A flirty text from a guy popped up on while we were looking at her phone for a place to eat.
He complimented a picture I had just taken of her…she sent it to him while around me.
Bold. Also this happened in the Eiffel Tower, only a couple of hours into what was supposed to be 2 week vacation.”
12. Poor kid.
“16 year old daughter.
The wife was cheating with another teacher in her high school classroom and he would come by for a quick flirt (plus other stuff) before school, while my daughter was actually sitting there doing homework.
The balls on that guy. She gave me screenshots of their texts and a photo of them doing stuff in his car. Poor kid. Married 20 years – the dude was married 30.”

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