People in a Pennsylvania Town Filled the Streets to Say Goodbye to a Neighborhood Dog on His Last Walk
by Matthew Gilligan
FYI, friends, this story is a real tearjerker.
A man named Kevin in Dupont, Pennsylvania passed out flyers to people to let them know about “Mellow’s Last Walk Around Dupont”: his beloved pooch Mellow was terminally ill with cancer and Kevin decided to take him on one final walk around town for a grand send-off.

Photo Credit: YouTube
The flyer Kevin passed out said, “My name is Mellow, and I have been living in Dupont since September 2019 with my owner Kevin. You may have noticed us walking in the neighborhood twice a day, every day — rain, snow, or shine. Some neighbors may have pet me or given me treats before, while others I may only know through their own dogs that say hello to me as we pass by.”
“Regardless of how well we know each other, you have made my life so much richer than any rescue dog could have hoped for. I am grateful to have such caring neighbors and live in a community that looks out for one another so well.”
The flyer concluded by saying that Mellow was “leaving for doggie Heaven.”

Photo Credit: YouTube
The fine people of Dupont came out in large numbers to give Mellow some final pets and scratches behind the ears.
A woman named KJ Warunek said, “There were at least 20 people on every corner of his walk to say their goodbyes. It was so amazing to see our community bond over a dog. The children in town were so excited to see this dog. Some even made signs that read, ‘We Love Mellow.'”
Photo Credit: YouTube
Check out this news story about Mellow’s final walk.
What a sweet boy!
He’ll be missed by everyone who knew him.

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