July 20, 2023 at 3:45 pm

What Should Every Teenager Know About “The Real World”? People Shared Their Thoughts.

by Matthew Gilligan

ARlifeLessonsTeens What Should Every Teenager Know About “The Real World”? People Shared Their Thoughts.

When you’re a teenager it’s easy to roll your eyes and shake your head when older people try to give you advice.

But it turns out that a lot of the time, those folks are right!

So if you’re young, take their words to heart and pay attention.

Now, let’s hear from AskReddit users about what they think teenagers should know about “the real world.”

Work ethic.

“Don’t slack off.

You can still pass school if you do, but college and life after that will be hard if you don’t develop a work ethic. Put in the time to do your homework. Be reliable on the things you need to do. Don’t rely on your teachers chasing you down to get your homework turned in.

Building a good work ethic will do you WONDERS for when you actually need it out in the world. Also, it absolutely sucks to go to college, get seriously swamped in class work, and not have a built up work ethic.

It’s draining and demoralizing as hell, particularly if you’re not used to it. Do the work now and it’ll pay off dividends later.”

Don’t mess around.

“In the real world, you f**k around and find out.

This really is something that a lot of teens need to learn, since high schools are so lenient with everything.

In the real world, if you don’t do your work you get fired, not endless extensions.

In the real world, if you get into a fight you go to jail, not home for a few days.”

Life Advice 101.

“Get a good mattress, the best for as much as you can afford.

Brush your teeth.


Exercise, eat well. (Don’t deny yourself eating crap) just do it proportionally.

Make your bed every morning.

People are a**holes. (You find out the ones that aren’t, keep them close)

Don’t try and please everyone.

Don’t take anything to heart, even from loved ones, you’re your own person. Know what to believe and appreciate.

Don’t get cheap toilet paper

Don’t get cheap washing up liquid

Learn how to change wheels on a car, bike etc.

Learn how to replace car bulbs, basic checks, how to use jump leads.

Learn to sew, to mend clothing.


don’t get the ‘best’ of everything, get what you can afford without getting yourself into debt.

Learn to cook.

Learn to relax

Learn to clean

Look after your body.

Drink water.


The way it is.

“Life is extremely unfair.

And there is no reason for that.

People who have expectations of things being fair in the real world are always sorely disappointed.”

Sell yourself.

“That it’s all about marketing.

It doesn’t matter that much how hard you work, it’s more about how you sell yourself.

That even if your point of view is correct, without proper communication and negotiation skills no one will probably care.”

Keep track of all of it.

“Document everything with your landlord.

Keep texts, receipts, no oral agreements, and follow everything to the tenancy laws.”

Great point.

“During high school, learning how to learn is more important than anything you’re actually learning.”

Be smart with your money.

“Learn how to manage money. Too many young people get deep into debt because they don’t know how to save or how credit cards actually work.

Remember that there is an order of where your money goes: Rent and bills must come first and foremost, then everything else.”

This is good.

“You’re gonna get knocked down and pummeled by life. Not all the time. But there’s 100% going to be hardships in your life where you want to give up. Don’t give up. Life goes on whether youre trying or not. So why not try? Even if it’s just a little bit.

Life is all about consistency. Consistently just try to do better. You might not do as great as you did last week, a few days ago, or even yesterday. Life isn’t about that. Life is about getting the f**k back up and making it a point to yourself only, that your about bettering yourself. This goes with so many aspects of life. Just cause you succeed today won’t mean you succeed tomorrow. What really matters is the little wins you created.

They stack up and you’ll feel more confident when you do what you have to do, no matter how your feeling. Not saying miss your grandma’s funeral, I’m saying when it does count. Life will hit you with setbacks but it’s up to you to be courageous enough to keep on pushing.”

Just go with it.

“Heads up: People younger than 25 aren’t taken seriously in the workforce.

Around 30 there’s this weird shift where suddenly and for no reason people start respecting your opinion more.

But until then your sort of the underclassmen in life”

Lots of good advice in here!