Guy Asks Gal On A Date And She Proceeds To Eat 48 Oysters. So He Ditches Her And She Wonders Why. The Comments Aren’t Kind.
by Laura Lynott
Nobody likes getting ditched on a date, but maybe this gal should have kept her cravings for oysters to a minimum on their first meeting?
Recently, a woman videoed her date, including her ordering repeated servings of oysters while the guy had ONE drink.
This is her take on how this unhappy love story got started.
The guy had asked her: “Can you meet me for drinks?”
She responded: “Yeah. Meet me here, they’ve got the best oysters in the land.”
A sign showed on the video stated it was ‘Oyster Tuesday, 15 a dozen.’
Yum, right?
Well, turns out this lady loves her oysters! Perhaps a bit too much.
The video shows the woman enjoying her oysters, complete with slurping sound effects…and the ‘Mmmm, mmm, mmm, mmm” noises from the lady, showing her apparent and very vocal satisfaction for the food glorious food!
But back to her.
She told her followers: “When the food was coming out, he was looking at me crazy. I didn’t give a f**k. I’m like baby, you invited me out, I’m gonna eat.
“It was so good, I was not expecting it to be that good. These potatoes were so good.”
But then it dawned on her, her date wasn’t half as happy as her, as she munched her plates down!
She said: “Why he did this… say he’s going to the bathroom and never come back? It’s been like 30 minutes. I had to end up grabbing the tab… that was crazy to me.”
Perhaps not so crazy and the internet totally agreed with him. For real. Who wants to sit there watching someone eat plates and plates of foo.
Did she even get his name? Ha!
But, the oysters must have been hella good!
Watch the full foodie clip here:
Here’s what folks thought about this gorging date!
Hahahahaha. She was on aphrodisiac overload all alone there!
Sound FX were on full blast!
One drink to 48 oysters – the oysters won!
Listen girl… if you think you can just endlessly order food because somebody asked you out for a drink… you need to learn some lessons.
And this seems like an important lesson learned.
Probably not.

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