December 5, 2023 at 5:29 pm

‘My wife would constantly watch the live feed.’ – Helicopter Mom Keeps Harassing Daycares And Getting Their Child Kicked Out

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/@cdc

How does a kid get kicked out of daycare…?

Well, I guess it probably happens more than we think, but it sounds like the guy who wrote this story on Reddit is pretty sick of tired of his wife’s shenanigans and how they are affecting their daughter’s situation.

Check out what he had to say and see if you think he took things too far.

AITA for saying my wife will have to quit her job if we get booted from another daycare?

“My wife and I have a 3 year old daughter, Alexis.

His wife is a bit much…

Both of us work and Alexis has attended daycare since she was 1. In the 2 years since, we have been asked to leave 2 programs because my wife is a micromanager. I admit both of us went into the first program not really understanding daycare.

I quickly learned that they can’t provide personalized care and after learning from her teachers, I reset my expectations. My wife, however, has a lot of anxiety and worries about our daughter. She doesn’t like when she gets even a little upset. She’s in therapy and is working on it.

And she doesn’t know how to back off.

First program, my wife would constantly watch the live feed and call the daycare multiple times a day. We had several talks about it and the school talked to us twice. My wife ended up screaming at one of the teachers and then the director.

Yeah, they got the boot.

We were terminated immediately.

Second daycare was a little better because my wife began therapy. But my wife was still so nervous and had a complaint every single day. These were not important things, small things like she saw another child took a toy from Alexis and she would cry.

The teacher would give the toy back to Alexis but my wife didn’t understand why the other child wasn’t punished for it. This daycare didn’t kick us out but did eventually suggest that this may not be the best program for us.

My wife and I decided to pull Alexis out. My wife because of her anxiety, myself because I knew my wife had burned bridges and was becoming “one of those moms”.

They gave another place a shot.

We chose a smaller home daycare this time as we couldn’t afford another center. The woman who owns it is very nice but also firm.

She stands by her boundaries and won’t let my wife break any rules, whereas the centers were definitely more accommodating. My wife would take any inch she got. This time, she doesn’t get that opportunity. I thought all was well as the owner only speaks to my wife for the most part.

And his wife was still atit.

Then, I get put in a group text saying my wife has been bombarding the owner with texts every day, despite the owner saying she will text her at lunch when things are settled.

She said at this point, she will only be responding at specific times of the day and not looking the rest. The owner then added sent several pages of the contract with passages highlighted, reminding us of certain policies my wife had violated.

He decided to lay down the law.

I was upset. When Alexis went to bed that night, my wife and I talked. I said this was our last option for daycare. The other centers are too expensive and this was the only home daycare in the area that we like. A nanny is not in our budget.

But she’s still not getting the message.

My wife made a million excuses, including that it’s not her fault she’s anxious. I said if we are asked to leave this program too, my wife will be the one quitting her job to watch Alexis, not me. This upset my wife.

I pointed out I’ve spoken to her kindly about this plenty of times. I encourage her to keep up her therapy. But she can’t keep getting us kicked out of programs.

My wife is now not speaking to me.


Let’s see what people had to say about this.

This person said he’s NTA and that he might have some bigger issues down the road.

Source: Reddit/AITA

One Reddit user said he’s NTA at all.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This reader said his daughter is in for a rough time.

Source: Reddit/AITA

One individual can relate to this story.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this Reddit user said his daughter might inherit some of his wife’s bad habits.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Yeesh, this sounds like a rough situation.

This lady might need to see a therapist…