January 25, 2024 at 7:20 am

Boss Tells Employee She’s Awesome At Her Job, But She Still Gets Laid Off. – ‘I have done everything I possibly could.’

by Laura Lynott

Source: TikTok/@brielleybelly123

Life is becoming so hard for so many people with inflation and wages that just are not cutting it.

People are working longer hours and yet many cannot find a way to just make ends’ meat.

TikToker @brielleybelly123 is a graduate and clearly uber talented and articulate but she’s just lost her job and is struggling. Hopefully someone can help her with work soon. It’s not how things should be.

Source: TikTok/@brielleybelly123

She told her followers: “I got laid off of my first post grad job and the one that took me five months to find that I moved to New York City for. “Basically, it’s not my fault before we start, I worked for a startup and they didn’t have the workload or the bandwidth that they needed to train me and to give me work to do…”

Source: TikTok/@brielleybelly123

“I need a job immediately. The job that I was working nine to five from, I wasn’t making enough to live. I don’t have a savings because of that job. Like the salaries that people are making with a degree right now. After college. It’s just not okay, we’re working so much. And I still don’t have an emergency fund. I don’t, because I wasn’t making enough to save any of it. Everything was going towards living and expenses and community and everything else.”

Source: TikTok/@brielleybelly123

“And to go through the whole entire hiring process again, it’s going to actually kill me and so defeating It’s so disappointing, and it makes you feel like you’re not good enough and I know that I am I know that I’m a hard worker. And my boss literally said that I’m one of the smartest people he’s ever had work under him and he knows that I’m gonna land on my feet…”

Now, if you don’t feel sorry for this young woman right now, you have a heart of stone.

America, what’s up. Young people should NOT be struggling like this!

Watch the full clip here:


can someone tell me im going to be okay !!!! feels like the world is ending i need a job immediatley i am feeling so lost rn like i moved for this…!?

♬ original sound – BRIELLE♉️

Here’s what people thought about the lay-off situation:

It’s so not right.

Source: TikTok/@brielleybelly123


Source: TikTok/@brielleybelly123

People should be paid a proper wage for all those years studying!

Source: TikTok/@brielleybelly123

I really feel for all these kids.


Now that you’ve read that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who took a $400 grocery order back because she wasn’t given a tip.