Lazy Student Kept Stealing Her Work, So Fellow Student Shared Fake Notes With Her To Make Sure She’d Get Bad Grades
by Matthew Gilligan
I had a friend who used to try to cheat off of me in class and he drove me INSANE.
Yes, he was my friend…and yes, he was lazy and didn’t want to put in the work.
So all I could do was tell him to take a hike!
Because I didn’t want him to get into trouble…but still, it was annoying.
But the person you’re about to hear from in this story from Reddit took a different approach to a cheating friend.
Check out what they did in the story below.
Stealing my notes? Guess who won’t graduate High School.
“This happened in 2018 when I graduated High School. A quick overview of the Swiss school system: Normally, you go to school until ninth grade.
If you want to go to university later, you change to Grammar (High) School from eighth to twelfth grade. I decided to study and went to High School. Also, in Switzerland, my state (canton) at least, everything under 75% is a fail. We have a really strict thing going on there.
They made some new friends.
There I quickly became friends with Chelsea (my now girlfriend) and Alicia. Alicia is the kind of person that is funny if you don’t have her around too much. She is always the victim, she can only talk about herself etc.
But if you spend too much time with her, you are a mess. She is also never responsible for things happening to her because she grew up in the foster care system, whatever. So, this happened about two months before our finals.
Now, graduating means passing the finals obviously. But not only them. The finals are half of your eventual grade. The other half is your last report card. If I had an A in my final English exam but a C in my last report card my eventual grade would be a B and so on.
Alicia wasn’t keeping up…
Alicia really struggled with that because her last report card wasn’t that good. She had to excel in most of the subjects to graduate. So you would think she’d write as many notes as possible and study pretty early, right?
She procrastinated until two months before our finals while I and Chelsea studied our butts off. Now, I always was the girl who offered her notes in our class group chat in case someone was interested. This gets important later.
We had a fairly long list of things we had to be able to use in maths and I wrote notes for every single topic and kept it in a folder in my locker. Only put some of them on the group chat, just when someone was asking about a certain topic.
They were in for a big surprise.
One day, I went to my locker and they weren’t there. I was freaking out. I spent weeks on writing them. I looked for them for an entire week and had approximately three panic attacks because I thought I wouldn’t pass now and had to do all of it again.
That’s when Alicia casually told me that she took them the other day when I asked her to get a book from my locker. She actually hadn’t planned to tell me at all because “It’s not like you’d need them anyway, you had them long enough. If you didn’t make copies, it’s not my fault.”
It was payback time.
The blatant entitlement was enough for me to come up with a plan. A vicious plan.
Not only had she stolen my notes; if I hadn’t “bothered her so much” with it she wouldn’t have even told me she had taken them! She was only a High School friend anyway and I knew I’d never do anything with her again once we graduated, so frankly? I didn’t give a single **** about what would happen to her. Her entitled self-centered way was enough for me to finally burst.
I apologized for making drama (“It’s okay, you just are like that sometimes” – I was about to lose it) and just continued my school day. Now, Alicia kept calling me about notes etc, even before that, especially my notes for various books.
This was gonna be good!
She’d chosen the same books so she didn’t have to study extra. I started to give her a wrong analysis and started to fake notes. Obvious enough to figure out they were wrong if she’d think herself but not too obvious. If she’d read the books she’d know it’s nonsense.
I did the same with our English books. And French. She already had my maths notes to I couldn’t fake those, but I could fake German, French, English, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology.
Now, after I invested so much time in faking notes I watched it all go down a day before graduation. We went into a pub with our teacher (to watch a football game I don’t even remember) and she distributed our results. I passed with a 5.38 (In Switzerland, the grades are from 1-6, six is best so about… an A?).
Time to face the music!
And Alicia went pale. 3.21 (D-). She had failed all of her classes but maths and Psychology. Oops. It seems she really just read my notes. She didn’t read the books she was supposed to read, she didn’t read our textbooks. I had to hide a grin.
My girlfriend thinks to this day it was cruel but seriously? It was a damper for her entitlement and narcissism. From what I’ve heard she is currently trying to repeat the year and try again. Hopefully without stealing her friend’s notes.”
Let’s see how Reddit users responded.
This person might be in some trouble pretty soon…
Another person thought this was kind of cruel.
This individual made a good point.
Another person experienced something like this.
And this person summed it up perfectly.
Kids, did you learn a lesson today?
It never pays to cheat!
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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