Picky Daughter-In-Law Won’t Eat Mother-In-Law’s Food After 6 Years, So She Tells Her Son She Refuses To Cook For Her Anymore
by Trisha Leigh
There are too many people in this world, if you believe what you read on Reddit, who have no manners at all as far as being a guest in someone’s home.
Like, for instance, not eating the food for six years and refuses to say why.
OP’s son is not married but might as well be, and she hosts them fairly regularly.
My son and his girlfriend have been together for 6 years, she might as well be my DIL at this point since they have a kid together.
Now they when they visit I like to make a nice meal.
Her daughter-in-law never eats.
Every single time she doesn’t eat just picks at it and covers it it’s a napkin by the end of the night.
I am also from a different culture from them so I thought she just doesn’t like the spices I used.
I have made really simple things and she doesn’t ever eat it.
I asked my son about it and he told me she is just a picky eater.
But when OP said she’s not cooking, her son gave her grief, too!
They are suppose to come over tomorrow, I told my son I am not cooking tomorrow since I am tired of her not eating a thing and I feel like I am wasting my time.
I will order pizza.
He’s really upset that I am not cooking since he doesn’t get homemade meals often.
AITA the jerk for not wanting to cook since one of my guest never appreciates it
Does anyone on Reddit blame her? Let’s find out!
They wonder if maybe she has an eating disorder.
This person agrees with that thought.
Sometimes issues with food can be hard to talk about.
Either way, OP is not wrong for feeling frustrated.
I would be annoyed, too.
They could at least care enough to tell her the truth.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, cook, daughter in law, reddit, top, white text, wont cook for picky eater

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