Bride’s Mom Always Shamed Her For Her Natural Hair, So The Bride Refuses To Let Her Do Her Hair For The Wedding
by Ryan McCarthy
It’s a fact of life that your Mom will have one hairstyle she absolutely loves on you. But every other style? She will HATE.
I remember when I cut my hair back to the length I had kept it my entire life, and when my Mom saw she threw her hands up and said “I have my boy back!” A little dramatic.
But when this user’s mother kept her from her natural hairstyle her whole life, OP refused to let her do her hair the morning of her wedding!
Should she have compromised, or was she right to stand her ground? Decide for yourself!
AITA for not letting my mother do my hair for my wedding?
I (28F) got married 2 weeks ago, My mom helped me plan my wedding, during the planning, she asked me if she could do my hair for the wedding just like she did when I was a kid.
I told her no, before you start judging me, I have my reasons.
I have thick 4b hair and as a child my mom hated the fact that we are black. She bleached her skin, and tried to get me and my sisters to do the same but my father didn’t let her.
That didn’t stop OP’s Mom from keeping her from embracing her natural hair…
She used hair relaxers on us every 3 months from the ages 5-14 that took me almost 2 years to grow out.
We weren’t allowed to get braids or any protective hairstyles no matter what.
Still to this day, she is like that. It took me many many years to learn how to embrace my culture and how to style my natural hair.
But there was one memory in particular that truly stopped OP from letting her Mom anywhere near her hair.
The main reason why I didn’t let her was because the night of my high school prom, my mom did my hair.
And without me knowing she used hair relaxer on me after it took me almost 2 years to grow it out and she didn’t care at all.
I didn’t want her to do this again for my wedding so I told her no. She got upset and told me to consider it and I told her i’d think about it but that the answer was probably no.
But listening must not be the mother’s strong suit, because she showed up the morning of the wedding reared and ready to do OP’s hair!
On the morning of the wedding, my mom showed up with the stuff to do my hair, I explained to her that I didn’t want her to do it and had already gotten my braids done the night before.
She got upset and yelled at me and then went and got my father to try to convince me to take them out but he didn’t say anything.
She stormed out of the room and didn’t talk to me the entire wedding. Since the wedding, many of my family members are calling me and telling me off for upsetting my mother.
And my husband told me that I should’ve given her another chance but I don’t know what to think.
Absolutely not! First of all, its your wedding, and you get to make your own choices. Second of all, it’s YOUR hair, and same goes, you get to make your own choices!
Reddit said that OP was only exercising her bodily autonomy, and that the decision of her hair belonged to nobody but her.
Others were disappointed in the husband for not sticking by his brand-new bride.
Many people thought that OP’s relatives were even more at fault in the situation than OP’s mother!
Finally, this user thought bringing all of her hair equipment to the wedding was the mother’s way of upstaging OP at her own wedding!
Put that brush down, immediately if not sooner!
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · african american, aita, hair, mom, natural hair, picture, reddit, top, wedding

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