He Knew His Cousin Had A Crush On A Girl In School, But He Asked Her Out Anyway. Nine Years Later It Was Payback Time.
by Jayne Elliott
If you know that your friend or relative likes a girl, would you ask her out anyway?
In today’s story, one young man had his heart broken when his cousin asked his crush out on a date.
Let’s see how he got revenge…
Screw me over as a middle schooler, I’ll get you as an adult
This took place over 45 years ago when I (12m) at the time had just started middle school.
We live in a small town, and most of my friends were my cousins.
During the first week of school I discovered I had class with a really cute girl who had big blue eyes and dark hair.
I told my cousin (13m) that I had a crush on her and was trying to find a way to talk with her. (I was very shy at that age.)
The cousin did the unthinkable…
The next day I see my cousin talking to the girl in the hallway and comes up to me and tells me that they are now boyfriend and girlfriend because he’s asked to go steady with him that morning.
I’m really hurt that my cousin and close friend would betray me like that, but I didn’t say anything.
I just tucked it away knowing my chance for revenge would someday arrive.
Now they’re all grown up.
Nine years later, I’m now 21 years-old. My cousin comes over and says he wants me to go to the local skating rink with him.
I’m not interested because we haven’t gone there since our early teens and that’s still the age of the crowd that hangs out there.
He persists and I finally agree to go.
The cousin didn’t really want to go skating.
We arrive and I quickly discover the reason he wants to go is the cute 19 year-old blonde who is working there and he wants to chat her up and ask her out.
We leave after an hour or so and he hasn’t asked her out yet.
To be fair, I give him a couple of days and he still hasn’t called her.
It’s finally time to get revenge…
So, cue petty revenge, I call her up and we agree to go on date.
We go out causally about once a week for about a month, and one evening when I pick her up, she tells me that my cousin called her that day and asked her out.
She told him that she couldn’t go out with him because she was already dating his cousin (me).
I run into my cousin a couple of days later, and he awkwardly asks me if I was already dating the girl when we went to the skating rink.
The cousin’s reaction was everything OP wanted.
I just say “no” and walk away.
The look on his face was worth the 9 years I waited to get my revenge.
The girl and I continued to date for a few more weeks, but there just wasn’t much chemistry between us and we jointly agreed to break it off.
I wonder if the cousin even remembers what he did 9 years earlier and if he sees the similarity to what OP did at the skating rink.
Especially if the cousin doesn’t remember, he might want revenge of his own!
Let’s see what Reddit thought of this story.
This reader thinks the revenge was just right.
Another reader was hoping for a different ending to the story.
This person feels bad for the roller rink woman.
Another reader thinks OP should have let this issue go a long time ago.
This story reminded another reader why he moved.
Not cool dude!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · cousin, cousins, dating, girlfriend, petty revenge, picture, reddit, skating rink, top

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