Her Brother-In-Law Was Supposed To Look After His Kids Without A Nanny, But She Kept His Secret When She Babysat While He Was Separated
by Trisha Leigh
Family can be tricky. Most of us decline to get involved when a long-time couple is going through trouble, but sometime that’s not an easy decision to make.
This woman babysat her nibling even though she knew her sister had forbade her estranged husband from hiring a nanny, and kept his secret besides.
Here’s what happened when her sister found out.
AITA for not telling my stepsister her husband was paying me to watch their son when they were separated?
My stepsister and her husband separated for over 2 years because my stepsister didn’t feel like her husband was a present enough father.
In his defence he works a lot and is the only reason she has such an easy life so our family did think she was making a huge mistake but we chose to stay out of it because she’s overly sensitive and would’ve taken anything we said the wrong way.
He agreed to her terms in order to try to repair their marriage.
Her husband didn’t want to divorce so she gave him a long list of terms he had to follow for her to consider getting back together.
One of the terms were that when their son was with him he couldn’t hire a nanny to care for him because she wanted him to prove he would put their son before work and everything else.
Sometimes he needed help, though.
Sometimes he just couldn’t do it so he asked me to watch their son multiple times, including once when he went abroad.
He asked me not to say anything to my stepsister and since the money was good I kept his secret.
My stepsister took him back 3 months ago which is when our arrangement stopped.
Now the sister knows the truth and no one is sure what’s going to happen.
Unfortunately, my husband let something slip in front of her which made her suspect.
She asked me and I’m horrible at lying so it all came out and now she’s angry at both me and her husband.
The aftermath hasn’t been great and she’s considering leaving him again which is making him threaten me and my husband in turn.
My family are taking his side even though none of this would’ve happened if it wasn’t for him.
Did she do anything wrong?
I bet Reddit has some thoughts on the matter!
The top comment says everyone was wrong.
This person thinks the poster behaved horribly.
They think maybe the sister was right to be concerned.
Her reasons aren’t actually valid.
No one was really on her side…
It was all about the money.
I bet that does sting the sister’s feelings.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, babysitting, marriage, picture, reddit, relationship, Separation, sisters, top

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