Her Mom Embarrassed Her Within Earshot Of A Generous Customer, And When She Asked Her Mom To Keep It Down She Became Irate
by Ashley Ashbee
There are some people you need to walk on eggshells around because they have such an explosive personality.
It’s one thing when you never have to see someone again after they’ve unraveled to the point of needing an exorcism.
It’s another when you need to go home with them. Keep reading to witness the storm this daughter has to navigate.
AITA for Telling My Mom to Stop Talking So Loud? She Said She “Never Wants to Speak to Me Again” and We Haven’t Spoken Since
Last night, we went out for my parents’ wedding anniversary.
Everything was fine until my mom started loudly **** talking a man in designer clothing on a nearby yacht.
I mentioned that I knew him because he often visited the restaurant where I worked and was very generous with tips.
Embarrassed, I quietly asked her to tone it down.
There’s “defensive” and then there’s blowing a gasket…
She got defensive, called me names, and said I ruined her anniversary.
She started crying, said she never wants to speak to me again, and stormed off, taking the car keys and the card we were using to pay.
My dad had to go after her to get the keys and card. She then said she’d take the train home because he didn’t “defend her.”
My dad is calm and collected, which often makes her angrier.
After my mom left, we all cried at the table. I expressed my love and appreciation for my dad, who was touched as nobody had ever told him that before.
Then her mom set a revenge plot in motion that was so epic, she could have been Shakespeare’s muse.
My mom stayed at my aunt’s house and hasn’t come home yet.
She canceled a trip we had planned to visit my sister because she didn’t want to be alone with me. We haven’t spoken since.
When we got home from dinner, my dad and I went for a walk, and I ended up throwing up from the stress.
I haven’t stopped crying since.
I don’t know how to proceed, especially since I’m living under my parents’ roof.
I won’t have a conversation with her until she apologizes. AITA?
Here’s what people are saying.
A lot of people shared self-preservation methods for dealing with a narcissistic parents. I like this insight.
Great point. He may be being nice, but he’s not standing up for them and that’s not applause-worthy.
I doubt it. Something tells me a man wrote this.
It sounds like the best option.
Makes sense. You don’t want to feed the dragon. It will keep bathing you in fire.
You can’t change a toxic person. Do a clean break and move on.
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, emotionally stunted, mental illness, narcissistic parent, picture, reddit, therapy, top

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