His Neighbor Made Sure He Was Always Taking Up All Of The Best Parking Spots, So They Worked Hard To Snag The Best Spot And Never Let It Go
by Michael Levanduski
In many neighborhoods, good parking spots are a hot commodity.
What would you do if your neighbor took up multiple spots, and made sure to never let them go.
The guy in this story put in a lot of effort to make sure he could get one of them, and he isn’t giving it up.
Check it out.
Neighbor likes to play musical cars
I bought a condo earlier this year in a subdivided historic home in my city.
The home has 6 units, each unit with (minimum) one car.
Street parking only.
Our neighbors are the absolute worst. I’m guessing mid-late 60s, married M/F.
The wife never leaves home.
That’s a lot of cars.
For months I thought they had 4 vehicles: SUV, truck, mini, & work van.
They are one of the few homes on the street with a driveway which comfortably fits his work van + truck. They also could fit 3 of the 4 vehicles in front of their house on the street if they wanted.
Despite that, they park their mini in the driveway, truck in front of my house, work van across the street, and SUV in front of theirs.
And they NEVER deviate.
That is just rude.
Someone moved out of one of the units in my home & they wouldn’t even move for the moving van.
Nor when I was doing renovations and moving lumber in & out. Or when landscaping crews come in.
Since it’s a city, we have mandatory no parking one day a month in designated hours for street sweeping.
This is when they move two cars into their driveway (& how I know two cars comfortably fit).
Well, first month I lived here they moved their cars back too early during the no parking times & got tickets on truck + SUV.
It made my day but not enough.
I’ve slowly been trying to figure out how to steal the spot back.
You see, they like to play magical cars. When husband leaves with his truck, wife comes out with him and like clockwork pulls the mini out of driveway into his “spot” in front of my home leaving no cars in driveway.
And she parks 6+ feet in so there is always room for the truck when he returns.
EVERY DAY. For months.
My BF moves in.
Gently asks if we can share. Husband says “yes of course!”
Next day, truck is parked elsewhere.
We thought “wow they are nice” and now see a beat-up Jeep there.
After a few weeks it didn’t move. One night, late, we see this guy cleaning the Jeep.
IT IS HIS. So, 5 cars, not 4.
Slowly I start f*****g with them.
That’s one way to get it moved.
I learn the city parking codes.
I report the Jeep as an abandoned vehicle and got it towed.
Mail them an anonymous package of horse dung with a note calling them as nice as this package.
Everything legal. But still scheming how to steal the spot back we are to “share” in front of MY HOME.
It’s been 10 months (edited from 7 because I can’t math) and NO ONE has parked there but the truck or mini (to hold his “spot”).
I watch them every day to find time to steal the spot back, but they ALWAYS beat me to it.
But today was the day.
No parking for street sweeping.
An hour before the ban ends, I say f**k it.
Walk across the street where I was parked to move my car.
Like clockwork I see the husband come out (who was clearly watching me).
As I open my car I see him unlocking the mini so he can beat me.
She finally did it!
I race to turn my car on and pull into the spot beating the f****r to it.
I’m in my car shaking with excitement and the asshole starts taking pictures of my car.
I get out and ask why.
Apparently, I’m in violation of the code (he studied, too) of having to park >3 feet from driveways (his).
I walk over, step with my feet, and count.
Not good enough for him.
I tell him to get a tape measure and he’s like “nah I’ll just report you like you did me 3 times.”
(I did once so this tells you how much the entire neighborhood hates them).
I walk myself inside, grab a tape measure, lay on the bare pavement, measure three feet & mark it on the sidewalk.
Ask him again if that’s good enough and say, “so much for sharing, huh?”
He says, “this is all public parking so good luck, you can’t park here forever.”
Oh, they will never leave!
I work from home. And my boyfriend does, too.
You don’t know petty you self-entitled boomer.
Now it’s your turn to watch musical cars in action from the pettiest millennials around.
It took a while, but she finally got that spot. Now to hold on to it.
Let’s see what the comments on this story looked like.
Whatever it takes.
Great arrangement.
Take that petty to the next level.
Work together for revenge!
Hey, that would work.
Can’t people just park like adults?
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad neighbor, musical cars, parking, parking spots, petty revenge, picture, reddit, street parking, top

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