Rude Neighbor Keeps Bullying A Mom, Her Son, And Their Dogs, So She Thought Of A Genius Way That’s Sure To Inconvenience Him Month After Month
by Heide Lazaro
Some people think that they own the entire neighborhood and that they can bully their neighbors.
If you are one of these people, beware.
You never know how smart and creative victims of bullying can be.
Take, for example, this OP who thought of a genius way to get back at his jerk neighbor.
It was so smart that the neighbor had to move away to avoid the monthly inconvenience. Find out more.
Jerk neighbor loses temper gets magazine subscriptions
I had a neighbor that was a jerk.
I have 2 dogs who spend time outside, and I have an aquatic child (important for later).
This is how mean he was…
He decided that he was better than my little family because we were renting the house we were.
He would threaten me. He threatened my son to his face.
He tried to get my dogs taken away.
He would scream and yell at me and my son if we were playing outside.
Here’s more…
He would throw his nasty cigarette butts on our yard.
He called our landlord numerous times to try and get us evicted.
He even had his girlfriend call out landlord.
He never would say anything to my husband, just my son and I.
Everyone hated him.
We never even met really.
Other neighbors had complaints against him, too.
He was in general just a jerk.
So, OP came up with this genius plan.
One day, while waiting in line at the grocery store, my son wanted to look at a magazine.
No harm, no foul, and he was entertained. That is when I got the idea.
I took the magazine inserts, and signed him up for everything, while checking the pay later option.
Here come the magazines!
He started receiving everything, from home cooking to cosmopolitan to the enquirer.
I also created a fake email for him for these magazines.
It was/is the only way to unsubscribe from them.
OP made it her life mission to do this to teach the jerk a lesson.
He has since moved, and now, we have awesome neighbors, but I still wonder how many magazines followed him to his new address.
Keep in mind, I had made this my life mission.
I went to a bookstore and literally spent 30 minutes getting these inserts.
LOL. That was smart and funny. Let’s see what other users have to say about it.
People are sharing more evil suggestions.
Here’s another one.
This user had a similar experience.
Talk about petty revenge!
Apparently, many folks already use this trick.
So the next time you decide to become a jerk neighbor, think about the unwanted magazines (and inconveniences) you would be getting.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · child, magazines, neighbor, petty revenge, photo, reddit, revenge, subscription, top

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