Rude Neighbor Wouldn’t Let This Kid Sled Into His Yard, So He Got Revenge By Keeping Him Up All Night
by Matthew Gilligan
I’m not so sure about this one…
I don’t want to give anything away about this story from Reddit, so that’s all I’m gonna say friends…
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Sledding Spite.
“When my father was younger, he moved around a lot.
Because of this, he was always “The New Kid” and got picked on almost every time, until he learned he didnt have to take that **** anymore. This is one such case of how he would get revenge.
Now at the place my dad lived at the time, he had been there for longer than most places (He lived at that house for a few years, some places he would only spend a couple months).
He had a few friends, he knew his neighbors, they were all buddies. Now this story involves when one of those neighbors moved away and a new, far worse neighbor took his place.
You see, my dads house was on a hill, but the bottom of the hill went into the neighbors property. When winter came, and it snowed, My father and his friends (Including the neighbors kids) would all go sledding down the hill and have a great time.
Things changed.
The neighbors kids got to go onto my grandparents property to go down the hill, and my dad got to sled all the way don into theirs. No issues. Until the old neighbor and his kids moved out, and the new neighbor (henceforth refferred to as BOD- Bag of *****) moved in.
From day one, BOD was a jerk. He would litter, he kicked the other neighbors animals, he screamed at a sweet old lady who lived across the street for “looking at him funny”.
Now my Dad didn’t think much of it, but when winter came, he would learn how much he truly didn’t like BOD.
When the first snow came, my dad and his friends went to go sled down the hill like they always did. They went down a few times, but then BOD came out.
He started screaming his *** off about how they were on his property, and how they needed to get the hell off right now, or he would call the police on them for trespassing.
Now my dad has always been a pretty reasonable guy, so he understood that while this guy was a jerk, it was still his land and he could tell them to leave if he wanted too.
Now this meant he and his friends had to go slower down the hill so they could stop before crossing into his property, and that could have been then end of it.
But no, BOD, being BOD, decided that he could send HIS kids out and tell them that they were free to go onto my grandfathers property and go down my dads part of the hill.
I don’t think so!
They were politely met with an aw HELL NO from my dad and his friends. My dad then marched over to BOD’s house and politely explained to him that if he was willing to let my dad and his friends go down the hill, they would let BOD’s kids come up his side to sled as well.
BOD then started screaming profanities at my dad about how they needed to let his kids sled but that they still couldn’t sled. After getting chewed out for a solid 30 minutes, my dad and my uncle left, BOD still screaming at them behind them.
Psychological Warfare.
Now, because my dad had known the previous neighbors, he knew the layout of the house pretty well. He knew that the gravel path in BODs backyard that led into the wooded areas behind both he and BOD’s home, connected to his own gravel path in his own backyard.
He did his homework.
He also knew that BOD’s family recently had a brand new baby girl.
By chatting up the wife (Who was much nicer and more reasonable then BOD), he learned a few key things 1.The new baby was a very light sleeper, and was a pain in the *** to get to sleep. 2.His Wife took care of her during the day, so BOD exclusively was responsible for taking care of her during the evening.
While my dad was clearing his own driveway and path, he offered to BOD’s wife to clear not only BOD’s driveway, but his gravel path as well (What he really cared about was clearing the gravel path, BOD never cleared his in the winter, and my dad needed a way to get to the house without his footprints being seen)
Now all the steps were in place for my dads master plan. He waited until the dead of night, then using the gravel path, snuck up to BOD’s home.
Fortunately for my dad, the path then circled around the house, so he then walked up the path to where the baby’s room was. He picked up handfuls of gravel, and started chucking the little pieces one by one at the window. He did this until the baby woke up.
When this kid woke up, she screamed like there was no tommorow. It was so LOUD. BOD came rushing in to get the baby back to sleep. He rocked the baby back to sleep while my dad patiently waited. After the baby went back to sleep and my dad knew that BOD had gone back to bed, he repeated the process.
Now keep in mind this was all during winter break, so my dad had slept through the day, he was not tired in the slightest. He brought a book with him.
He kept up this process till about 4 in the morning. Anytime BOD looked like he was getting suspiscious, (Which wasn’t often, BOD was a dumbass) He would just run into the woods and hide till he thought it was safe to come back and try again.
He did this for that night, and repeated it ALL WEEK. my dad could see bod visibly getting more tired each and every day. However, my dad made a mistake. He got seen by BOD. The next day, however, it was not my dad who BOD went after, but my uncle.
It gets worse…
He attacked him in his sleep deprived state, was arrested for assault, and while he didnt see jail time, he saw many many fines and apparently lost his job.
He never yelled at my dad for going down the hill again.”
Now let’s see what people had to say on Reddit.
This person shared their thoughts.
Another individual spoke up.
This Reddit user had a lot to say.
Another person chimed in.
Who knew sledding could lead to so much drama…?
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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