She Was Bullied At School For Many Years, But In High School She Finally Got Sweet, Satisfying Revenge
by Jayne Elliott
Going to school can be painfully difficult when bullies won’t leave you alone.
In today’s story, one girl put up with bullying for many years until she finally found a way to teach the bullies a lesson that will haunt them forever.
Let’s see how she got revenge…
Revenge on my bullies and my school
I was bullied by the same group of kids from kindergarten to end of 7th grade.
The group of mean kids would grow throughout the years and the teasing would turn to hazing, but let’s start at the beginning.
The bullying started with name calling.
It started with Mohawk, Goggles, and Bolt (all boys) in kindergarten.
They would call me names and make fun of the fact that I had to take medication. (For some reason the nurse would bring it to me in the middle of class.)
Then the bullying became more extreme.
In 2nd grade they realized why I had meds; I have really bad anxiety, adhd, and autism.
Because of this, they would push me to have panic attacks in front of the class and pick fights with me by making fun of my disabled little sister, who I am very protective of and was in the hospital at deaths door at the time.
“I hope your sister dies”, “Everything happens for a reason”, etc. My sister is fine now by the way.
I would yell and what not in her defense, and thus get in trouble.
Then the bullying turned violent.
In 3rd grade it starting getting physical.
They broke my glasses, which I desperately need because I have terrible vision.
Whenever we played a game like dodgeball in PE they would purposefully aim for me and throw HARD.
The bullying changed OP’s personality.
I lost all of my “friends” and became a very quiet and defensive person who avoided almost everyone.
I was originally very bubbly and sociable, but that was a thing of the past. This would continue into 4th grade until covid hit in 5th.
They did not receive a punishment at this point despite reports.
The bullying got even worse post-Covid when OP went back to school.
I did not go to in person school in 5th or 6th grade, but I did go in 7th.
This is when the bullying worsened.
More boys, Fish and Mushroom, would join in the bullying.
Girls on the school basketball team with me would also participate.
Others would encourage this by laughing and teasing along with them.
This time the bullying was both with words and violence.
They all started making fun of me for having acne and they made fun of me for being extremely tall and lanky for a girl.
Mushroom was the worst verbally, though he would also break almost anything I owned when he could.
Mohawk would stab me with sharpened pencils and throw them at me. Goggles would put his shoes on my desk, and Fish would steal my things. He would then taunt me by showing it to me yet preventing me from getting it by being surrounded by “The boys.”
They added gender identity to the reasons to bully OP.
They also made fun of me for being part of the lgbtq+ community.
The girls on the basketball team would throw basketballs at me, make fun of my voice for being high pitched, and surround me in an attempt to make me do humiliating things on camera.
People started to move when I sat next to them, laugh when I said almost anything, and treat me like I was not human.
Nothing worked to stop the bullying.
I tried every recommendation in the book, and despite multiple reports, nothing was done until the middle of the year.
They told us to apologize to each other.
I did not apologize.
Even being told to “stay away” didn’t help.
At the end of the year they gave us a stay away order, which was essentially just don’t talk to each other, and there was supposed to be consequences if they broke it.
They broke it multiple times without anything happening.
They never got detention or anything.
OP’s mom is the heroine in this story.
Here’s the fun part. My mom is a lawyer.
I live in Texas, and what they did is classified as disorderly conduct, assault, and, because I’m gay and they called me slurs and such, a hate crime.
We took them to court, got an order for school footage, and won.
They got charged with multiple counts of each, and expelled.
While they didn’t go to juvie for all that long, their crimes will forever be on their record, and I hope it ruins their life because the social anxiety and depression I had to face nearly ruined mine. Therapy helped though so I’m doing much better now.
I can’t help but wonder why the OP’s mom didn’t do something about the bullying earlier, but at least the bullies finally had to face consequences for their cruel behavior.
Let’s see how the Reddit community felt about OP’s revenge.
This reader can personally relate to OP’s story.
Another reader doesn’t believe OP’s story is true.
This person isn’t sure if the story is true or not but thinks it could be true.
This person is celebrating in the comments.
Another reader considers OP “lucky.”
I definitely wouldn’t consider OP “lucky,” but the ending of this story is quite satisfying if it’s true.
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