Stay-At-Home Wife Told Hubby To Do More Chores Even Though He Pays All The Bills, So He Hired A Cleaner And Paid Them Using Their Fun Money
by Heide Lazaro
When it comes to marriage, the husband and the wife are expected to work together to keep their home and family happy, healthy, and comfortable.
However, when you start counting and dividing stuff one by one, such as house chores, responsibilities, and money, as opposed to doing them together, the relationship is bound to falter.
Such as in OP’s situation below, he and his wife couldn’t get along with house chores.
And even if he hired a cleaning service to help out, she was not happy about it. Read below and find out for yourself.
AITA for hiring a cleaning service and paying for it out of my wife’s budget?
My wife is a stay-at-home mom. We have two children, 10/12.
I pay all the bills, put money aside for the kid’s education, emergencies, savings, vacations, retirement, etc.
Then, whatever is left I split 50/50 with my wife.
OP’s wife wanted him to do more chores.
Recently, she has decided that I do not do enough around the house, so she wants me to start doing more chores.
I asked if we were going to split up all the chores again. What I mean is the kids have their chores, she has hers, and I have mine.
So, if she wants me to do more, I want mine redistributed as well.
I think she can mow the lawn, and do the yardwork and house maintenance.
She gave him a list.
This is not what she wants.
She wants me to take on more of the chores we agreed would be hers, on top of earning all the money and all the chores I currently have.
I asked her what she wanted me to do. She gave me a list.
So, he hired someone but took it out from their shared money.
I hired a cleaning service, and paid for it out of our budget before splitting the fun money.
Now, she says that I’m a jerk and being financially abusive.
I think it’s a fair compromise.
What do you think about this story? Let’s see how other people reacted.
Someone’s questioning the wife.
This one’s coming from a woman, too.
We’re getting NTAs for the husband and rants for the wife.
Here’s another one from a SAHM, too.
Uh oh! Someone dropped the D-word.
Isn’t marriage all about teamwork? Something’s really wrong here.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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