Thieving Neighbor Broke Into His Car And Stole His Stuff, So Homeowner Hatched A Genius-Level Revenge Plan
by Heide Lazaro
If you are going to steal your neighbor’s things, make sure that you do a clean job.
Otherwise, it’s easy for the victim to catch and report you!
In this story, OP had a genius plan on how to get back at his thieving neighbor. It was so smart that everyone was impressed!
Read it below and be amused. Enjoy!
Scumbag neighbor broke into my vehicle and stole my stuff so I returned the favor.
I rented a duplex in my early twenties.
My neighbor was a wannabe gangster type, and made the mistake of breaking into my vehicle one night.
I had a small SUV with a removable soft top, so the neighbor figured it would be easy pickings to just peel back the top, and help himself to my stereo, amplifier, cd’s, and some other misc stuff.
OP easily knew who robbed him.
I discovered the break in early in the morning after it occurred.
I knew for certain who the culprit was.
We were not in a heavily populated area, and my neighbor was well known for thievery.
So, he went to the culprit’s house to verify,
I waited around for him to leave his place, and when the opportunity arose, I went around the back of the house, and looked through the bedroom window.
Sure enough, my stuff was sitting right on the floor in there.
I instinctively tried the window, and as luck would have it, the sash went right up. Bingo!
He plotted a genius plan.
I hopped through and quickly surveyed the items laying around.
It occurred to me that I could get some excellent revenge here if I played it right.
So rather than just recoup my stuff and wind up in a fight over it, I borrowed a marker and proceeded to write my name on all my stuff, and also a few choice items of his just for good measure.
Then, he called the cops.
I then climbed back out the window and waited.
When he finally came back, I called for some police presence, and explained to them how my vehicle got robbed, and I knew it was the neighbor due to seeing through the window.
We knock on his door, and I can still remember the look on his face seeing me and the cop standing there.
He was not even close to ready for the encounter, and almost certainly had drugs on him, so he was very cooperative given the circumstances.
The neighbor gave him back his things and his “other stuff.”
I politely explained that I know he broke into my vehicle, and I needed him to return my stuff immediately or I will have to press charges.
He went and retrieved my things, and I pointed out my name written on them to the officer.
I asked about my “other stuff,” while he looked back puzzled and dumbfounded.
I rattled off the other couple of choice items of his that I also put my name on earlier.
The look on his face while he handed over his stuff to me while the cop was standing there was priceless.
That was smart, wasn’t it? Now, let’s see what other users have to say about this.
GOAT = Greatest Of All Time
People are loving it!
Legendary level, says this user.
Some are curious.
Finally, this user wants to be friends with OP
Brilliant! This is what a PRO revenge looks like.
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