Her Friend Crashes At Her Place More Often Than She Would Like, So When She Broke The News That She’s No Longer Welcome Her Friend Got Upset
by Ashley Ashbee
When you visit someone’s house, you’re probably aware of when it’s time to leave to avoid overstaying your welcome.
But not everyone gets this feeling and a lot of people don’t care if they do.
Keep reading to see why this person is starting to feel like a hotel and the conflict it created with her friend.
AITA for not letting my friend use my apartment as a “crash pad” whenever she’s in town?
I live in a major city where friends often visit for work or vacations. One of my close friends, “Emily” frequently travels to my city for business.
She always asks to stay at my apartment and I’ve usually said yes.
It becomes overwhelming.
However, now Emily visits at least once a month and she usually stays for 4-5 days at a time.
When she’s here, she treats my place like a hotel.
Last month, I gently told Emily that while I love seeing her, I need some more space.
Then things became uncomfortable.
I suggested that she consider staying at a hotel.
She didn’t take it well and accused me of not being a good friend.
Now, she’s barely speaking to me and some mutual friends think I’m being unreasonable for not wanting to help her out.
Here’s what people are saying.
Exactly. She’s a user. Those people never become true friends, so who cares.
Yes. For that kind of commitment she should have a high salary, too. If not, this is silly.
It’s not that complicated. People are so entitled.
It’s so true. You attract the energy that you put out.
Great point. It’s so tacky and she isn’t friend material.
I don’t understand why OP thinks she might be a jerk.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bad friend, cheap, entitled, manipulative, picture, reddit, top, work trip

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