September 15, 2024 at 3:51 pm

His Roommate Set The Coffee Pot To Clean When He Knew He Wanted Coffee, So He Got Revenge With Coconuts For Years

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/Bogdan Krupin

It can sometimes be fun to prank a friend, but messing with a person’s coffee drinking habit is going too far. In today’s story, when a roommate messes with the coffee pot, his roommate gets revenge that goes on for years and years.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

Revenge by coconut

So I live at one of my still best friends place during university.

During the time he had pranked me by always setting our coffee machine to clean just at the time of day he knew i always took a cup of coffee.

I didn’t know he did that, and he was laughing his rear off after 1 year of me complaining about it.
It really drove me nuts…

So my revenge once I figured it out?

OP got revenge with coconuts.

He hates coconuts, and I really mean HATES them.

Hates the smell, the taste… Even his they look.

He isn’t allergic, he just hates them.

So I started to hide coconuts everywhere in sometimes obscure and weird places, sometimes in obvious places.

There were coconuts everywhere!

And let me tell you something, coconuts are cheap, and my gf at the time worked at a store and would always take home ALOT of outdated coconuts to help me with my revenge.

I hid them in his clothes, inside his computer, in the shower, under his bed, under his mattress, in the kitchen fan, in his bag and so on…

He knew it was me, but he didn’t know it was also my gf, which didn’t live with us at the time.

Ofc I denied it every time. And he really became paranoid when coconuts would just “appear” out of nowhere.

The roommate had no idea the girlfriend was helping.

When I and him were at the university, I had given my key to my gf, which promptly went home to us, and filled the entire fridge, the entire freezer, his ENTIRE wardrobe with coconuts.

I can still hear his scream when I think about it “Not ANOTHER F#@$ING COCONUT!!! I F@#$ING HATE COCONUTS!!!”

For all he knew, she was “out of town” and she gave my keys back to me at university when I took a WC break.

He completely flipped out when we got home, he couldn’t believe it!

The roommate called the landlord.

We only had two keys and went to the same classes, so he had been with me the entire time, except for the WC break.

He asked to see my key, which I ofc har at that point.

He REALLY became paranoid…

He called the landlord and asked how many keys we had, and he said we only had two…

The former roommate’s girlfriend is now helping with the coconut caper.

He started from then always search for coconuts, and he always found one or two. Became mad and went on with his day.

He started complaining of how tedious it was too get rid of all the coconuts all the time.

He even stopped suspecting ME! because I had help 😉

Even after we moved out, we planted coconuts for YEARS in his flat, he now actually believe he is cursed or something… Because only he and his gf lives there now. Well, I actually recruited his gf to be in to all of this.

OP hid a coconut the former roommate found a year later.

Once, he became so frustrated when he cleaned the kitchen and found two coconuts whilst alone, and had been alone for two weeks while his gf was abroad. One behind the oven and one in a small closed off dodge behind the kitchen fan. You know, the space where there isn’t any cabinets because of the kitchen fan tube?

I had actually planted it there one year prior when two workers did some maintenance and picked the kitchen fan apart and changed some things. You can’t get to that space unless you literally pick the space apart.

Apparently, he thought “that place must be really dusty, I should clean it” and picked the place apart, just to find another coconut.

OP believes there’s at least one more hidden coconut.

To this day, 5 years later, i still don’t know if he has found all the coconuts I have hidden.

Perhaps one day, he will find the coconut I stuffed in his bathroom ventilation…

He have always complained it had a bad effect after I planted it, well… I’ll let you know if he does.

That’s crazy to keep getting revenge for years and years and to get his girlfriend to help!

Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…

This reader approves of the coconut revenge.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another reader is thinking about the next person who moves into the roommate’s home.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader loves that OP recruited help.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader thinks this qualifies as pro revenge.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Here’s another suggestion for coconut revenge…

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

I’m going to think about this story every time I see a coconut!

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.