She Cared For Her Ailing Father-In-Law, And Now Her Sister-In-Law Refuses To Move Out Of The House
by Jayne Elliott
The reading of a will can cause tension in families especially when family members don’t like who inherits what.
That’s the situation in today’s story where a woman who cares for her dying father-in-law ends up getting more in the will than she expected.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for telling my SIL that I dont care that she got nothing and she’s worse than the children?
My FIL passed away 6 months ago.
Prior to this my husband, myself and our 2 kids moved into my FILs home to be an in home care provider for him. He had terminal cancer that he had been battling for years and was very weak in the end stages.
I am a CNA as well as a med tech so I did all personal care, as well as medication distributing.
My husband works full time at a very demanding job so he couldn’t be there to help. This is when my SIL moved in as well with her kid to help me. He passed away 2 weeks after she moved in.
OP was surprised at the reading of the will.
So, after his passing and upon viewing the will, it was quite a shock to see that he had left the house to me and my 2 children. Not his son (my husband) or his daughter.
However, he left the land (26 acres) to his daughter and his Nova to my husband. He left over $23k in assets to my children as well and only left my SILs daughter with $5k that is in an account collecting interest and cannot be touched until she is 18.
I’m not sure why he did this, although my children and I loved this man to pieces and did everything we could for him whereas his daughter and her kid barely ever saw him.
OP’s SIL is furious and refuses to move out of the house OP inherited.
Anyways, after going through the will my SIL lost her mind. She was mad that she didn’t get anything except land and she was even more mad that the only money they got out of it was $5k that cant be touched.
She demanded the will be rechecked and that the $23k in assets that my kids inherited be split with her kid.
Obviously that didnt happen.
So, now she refuses to leave the house, MY house that I inherited from FIL. I tried to evict her but of course due to the worlds current state, there is a ‘no eviction’ act in place and there’s essentially not much I can do aside from just deal with it for now.
The sister-in-law is being spiteful.
But the comments never end.
Like, she will ask if I care if she uses something and then be like “cause you know, it’s your house” or if my kids are playing in the yard and she is feeling feisty, she will say “Tell your kids to pick up their stuff and not leave it on MY land”.
Now she is saying that she is going to sell the land to her step brother.. a known drug abuser who has multiple felonies and has been incarcerated 4 times. Whom she knows I don’t want my kids around.
She’s doing it to be spiteful.
OP and SIL told each other what they really thought of each other.
So I told her “Wow, you are so much worse than the children.”
Normally I don’t say anything and just let her throw her tantrums. But on this day I spoke up and she was furious and said that I was a dumb c*** who only got close to her dad to reap the benefits that she was entitled to.
I told her I didn’t care what she thought and I didn’t care that she felt she got less than she was entitled to.
The sister-in-law is obviously jealous. She should really move out, or OP could sell the house and force her to move out that way.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader wonders why the father-in-law didn’t leave the house to OP and her husband (his son).
This reader suggests calling an attorney.
Another reader thinks a lawyer could help get the sister-in-law out.
This reader loves that the father-in-law left the house to OP.
She really needs to call a lawyer and see if there’s any way to get the sister-in-law to move out.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, father in law, inheritance, picture, reddit, sister in law, top, will

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