Fellow Cruiser Accused Her Of Rudely Hogging One Of The Many Available Hammocks, So She Told The Other Passenger That She Might Stay In It All Day Long
by Michael Levanduski
When you are on vacation, one of the best things you can do is lay back and relax your stress away.
What would you do if you wanted to relax in a hammock, but another guest on the cruise yelled at you for hogging it?
That is what happened to this vacationer, and she isn’t sure if she is being rude by using the hammock several times a day.
Check it out and see what you think.
AITA for hogging a hammock?
My husband and I are on a cruise and just experienced something really strange, wanted to check with people here to see if we’re really in the wrong.
Yesterday was day 1 of five sea days.
I’m the same way on cruises.
We are kind of early risers because the cruise is 5 hours behind our normal time, but are getting up and getting breakfast around 8 AM and settling into our spots around 9 AM ship time.
There’s a couple really cute hammocks with sheets that you can lay in, and yesterday we spent almost the entire day admittedly alternating between reading and napping in the hammock.
We’d get up and go do trivia or game shows for 1-2 hours at a time and we’d take all of our stuff and go.
That seems in line with the way things should be.
If we’re just running to grab food, drinks, or bathroom and come back, we leave our stuff.
This morning, we got up at normal time, had breakfast, came around 9:30 and no one was using it.
We laid in it for a few hours, grabbed our stuff and left for trivia for 30 minutes.
Wow, rude.
When we came back, it still wasn’t being used, I sat down and some lady asks if I’m going to be here all day.
I thought she was joking about vacation time so I shrugged and said I wasn’t sure.
Then she starts yelling at me about how we used it all day yesterday and we’re hogging it so we should let someone else use it.
She was really rude and everyone was staring at us.
My husband and I tried to explain there were other hammocks around the ship she could use but she said we were still wrong for hogging it.
Some people just love causing drama.
I got mad and told her that I just might use it all day, she flipped me off and stormed away.
But isn’t that kind of what people do at resorts/vacations?
You kind of pick a spot and hang out there most of the day?
We haven’t been getting up particularly early for it, we mosey over to it, and leave a few times during the day.
I’m not sure what we should be doing differently.
I don’t see the sense in leaving it unused when we see it not being used just in case someone else walks by and wants it?
Why can’t we just use it if we get up multiple times a day and leave it open, but keep coming back to it being empty?
I don’t see how they are doing anything wrong.
Open to how to be polite and considerate to other guests while also maximizing my ability to live my best life because in all honesty I love the hammock and it’s so comfy 😂.
It’s day 2/5 sea days so definitely wanting to get along and make the most of it.
One couple near by really supported us, but the others a bit further away gave us really dirty looks.
If she had just asked me for it, or asked if we could trade out later, I would have given it to her.
I do pride myself on being a super nice person and wanting to get along with others.
I told the couple that supported us if they wanted it, to just let me know and they said they might later.
Now it just feels weird because I feel like I’m doing something wrong laying here.
But I also don’t want to give in to her and just leave the hammock especially because no one else has used it the other times we’ve left it.
This lady likely just happened to see you in it several times and got upset over nothing. Some people are just hot-tempered.
Let’s see what the people in the comments have to say.
This commenter says she did nothing wrong.
Some people are just looking for reasons to be mad.
Exactly, the hammock wasn’t in use when she went to it.
These people are the worst.
This person confirms that she did nothing wrong.
It sounds like this person was following vacation etiquette perfectly.
Some people just want to be mad.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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