Her Brother Is Supposed To Pay Her Back For His Part Of The Phone Bill, But Instead He’s Turning The Rest Of The Family Against His Sister
by Jayne Elliott
Sometimes phone companies offer deals when you have multiple phone lines on one plan which can make it cheaper to split the cost of a phone bill with family members.
That’s great – unless the family members you’re splitting the bill with refuse to pay you back for their portion of the bill.
That’s the situation in today’s story when a brother-in-law refuses to pay his part of the phone bill.
And that’s just the start of the trouble he’s stirring up.
Let’s see how the drama unfolds…
AITA for telling my SIL to keep her mouth shut about situations she knows nothing about?
So yesterday, I messaged my SIL after my wife texted me upset that her sister messaged her about something that happened between my wife and her brother.
My BIL moved in with us about a couple of months ago, I was against it, but my wife wanted to help him so fine.
On Sunday, my wife and her brother got into a fight because BIL refuses to pay his phone bill.
The phone bill is actually paid by him and his wife.
I have him on my phone plan and WE pay his phone bill, but when his phone broke he asked if he could buy one through our phone company and he would pay us back monthly.
I told him sure.
Well it’s been a year since then and he’s paid for his phone 3 times in the entire year that he has had it and he only paid because my wife asked him for the money.
So he’s upset on Sunday because he feels like my wife shouldn’t be asking him for the money and was literally yelling at her like a psycho.
Saying that he pays it when she reminds but then in that same breath says that she needs to stop reminding him and he’ll pay it when he pays it.
So basically he wants us to just pay for his phone and be okay with it which is NOT happening.
BIL is taking advantage of his generosity.
The next day he’s on the phone with their mom and sister talking badly about my wife because she’s FINALLY putting her foot down.
Their mom is saying how my wife is just looking for attention, and my SIL ended up messaging my wife telling her she’s doing too much because she gave him a 30 days notice.
She gave him a notice because since he’s moved in he’s been disrespectful, bringing drama to the house, bringing drug addicts to our house at all times of the night with no notice.
He eats all our food and doesn’t think he needs to replace it, using our laundry detergent and toilet paper and rarely replaces it and we don’t have money to be paying for all his stuff too.
We already pay for his phone bill, so him yelling at her over the phone bill that he knows he’s suppose to pay every month was the last straw for us.
He explains what he told his SIL.
So, of course, I’m upset because, imo my SIL needs to stay in her place and not pick sides about a situation that she knows NOTHING about.
So I messaged her saying that I would advise her to keep her mouth shut about situations she knows nothing about and instead of messaging my wife telling her she’s doing too much to instead come for her brother.
He refuses to be dependable and the only one that is doing too much is her brother who came down stairs yelling like a psychopath over a bill that HE KNOWS he’s supposed to be paying, and I left it at that.
I’m a ppl pleaser, so I still feel shifty even though I know I’m not wrong, so AITH?
He and his wife are completely being used by the BIL.
The rest of the BIL’s family doesn’t seem to be able to see that, but maybe they would if he were living with them.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
This reader thinks it’s time to force the BIL to leave.
Another reader encourages him to kick out the BIL right away.
This person thinks he has been nice long enough.
Another person reassures him that he didn’t do anything wrong.
It’s time for him to be “the bad guy.”
He should drop his brother-in-law off at his sister-in-law’s house and let her deal with his drama.
It’s past time.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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