He Rearranged His Plans So He Could Babysit His Sister’s Kids Over The Weekend, But Then His Sister Told Him She Didn’t Need Him After All. Now He’s Refusing To Ever Look After Them Again.
by Jayne Elliott
When you make plans with someone, people do just that – they plan.
Like if a family member is set on babysitting, they might plan things they could do that the kids would enjoy, or buy special food they know the kids like.
It can be pretty annoying when you plan, and then the plans change at the last minute without any warning.
That’s what happens in today’s story when a brother plans to babysit his sister’s kids.
He’s left with kid-friendly food and plans and no kids to babysit.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for refusing to let my sister’s kids stay with me after she canceled on me last minute?
So, my (29M) sister (32F) has three kids (10, 7, 5).
Last month, she asked me if I could watch them for a weekend while she and her husband went on a short anniversary trip.
I agreed because I love my nieces and nephew, but I made it clear that I needed at least two weeks’ notice.
I work long hours, and I’d have to rearrange my schedule.
His sister changed the plan at the last minute.
Fast forward to this past week.
I asked my boss for time off, cleared my weekend, and stocked my house with everything the kids would need.
Friday afternoon rolls around, and I’m waiting for her to drop them off.
Suddenly, I get a text from her saying they’re not coming.
She decided last minute that they were going to a family-friendly resort instead and didn’t need me to watch them anymore.
No apology, just, “We’ll do it another time.”
His sister changed her mind two days later.
I was frustrated because I had completely cleared my weekend, turned down plans with friends, and rearranged my work schedule for this.
I responded by telling her it wasn’t cool to cancel on me last minute like that, especially when I went out of my way to help.
Then, two days later, she called me again asking if I could watch the kids the following weekend.
Apparently, something came up with her original plan, and she needed someone to watch them after all.
He is no longer willing to babysit.
I told her no, I wasn’t available.
She got upset and said I was being selfish and punishing her kids for something that wasn’t their fault.
Now she’s mad at me, and my parents are saying I should be more understanding because “things come up when you’re a parent.”
I don’t have kids, but I feel like it’s just basic respect to not cancel on someone last minute and then expect them to be available whenever you want.
So, AITA for refusing to watch my sister’s kids after she canceled on me last minute?
It was pretty inconsiderate of his sister to cancel on him when he was literally waiting for her to show up and drop off the kids.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
Blame the work schedule issue.
Here’s another vote for blaming work.
His sister must think he has unlimited time off.
At least he’s not bailing on her as a babysitter at the last minute.
His sister doesn’t respect his time.
His sister seems awfully flaky with her schedule.
He sounds like a great uncle, though!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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