Horrible Neighbors Blocked His Driveway And Refused To Move Their Car Even After He Got Them Ticketed
by Sarrah Murtaza
Blocking someone’s driveway with your car is never okay, yet there are too many people who still park their cars in front of driveways.
This guy’s neighbors blocked his driveway with their car and refused to move it even after they got a ticket for it. He found a way to get rid of the car, but the revenge didn’t stop there!
Find out what happened next!
Towing Your Car for Blocking My Driveway and the Major Cost to get it Released
One of my neighbors, decided to park their car and block my driveway.
My household decides to call the city’s parking department to leave them a $108 ticket; we opted not to tow just to see if they’ll pay attention and move it.
They weren’t moving their car…
The next day, the vehicle was still there, so we called the city again and told them to tow it; it came with a second $108 blocking driveway ticket and a tow truck to take it away.
The penalty for towing is a $347 administrative fee ($293 if first offense), and $286 tow truck fee, and more fees the if the vehicle isn’t retrieved within the first four hours.
Hopefully they learned their lesson.
The neighbors were extremely ignorant!
But they had it coming at the tow lot… other than the two blocked driveway tickets and towing charges, in order to get their vehicle out of the lot, they had to also pay all their outstanding parking tickets, totaling $1,800.
How did I know they had a bunch of unpaid parking tickets?
They haven’t paid their vehicle registration to the California DMV for two years; and the DMV won’t issue new tags until you paid off all your parking, toll evasion, and other debts.
He looked for more information…
I took a look at the public information posted on the city’s online citation portal, and with an easy search, found out they had several unpaid tickets and how much they owed.
They decided to ignore every parking ticket they were given because they were fined heavily for failure to pay on-time.
Missed first payment deadline: $38, missed second payment deadline: $53, and for missing the second payment: $40 and sent to collections.
They owed a lot of money!
If they paid their tickets in a timely manner, they would have paid a mere $752 (excludes the two new $108 driveway tickets), but for failure to pay, they owed $1,800.
To get their vehicle released from the tow lot, they had to pay $2,649 ($2,595 if first time tow).
I find it amusing that they can afford a new fancy electric car in their driveway, but the other car [that was towed] refused to pay their parking tickets and vehicle tags.
As of today, they still haven’t paid their vehicle registration.
YIKES! That’s a lot of violation of so many rules! They really let the tickets and fines add up!
Let’s find out what the Reddit community has to say about this one.
This user shares the story of a guy with malicious intentions.
This user knows that the guy did the right thing!
This user knows exactly how the rules work!
UH OH! This user caught another issue with the neighbor’s cars.
This person thinks the neighbors are just stupid.
The neighbors really should’ve paid their tickets!
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