Her Coworker Was Rude To Her In Front Of A Customer, So She Got Back At Her By Taking Her Statements Very Literally
by Ashley Ashbee
It’s one thing to have a diva in the office. It’s another thing when that person is a diva in front of a customer.
Fortunately, that also means that there are witnesses.
Find out why a bunch of staff cackled at their coworker’s revenge.
So you wanna write your name on office property to claim it as your own?
For several years I was a banker at an institution that no longer exists. During the last days a good chunk of the employee base left instead of sticking it out to the bitter end and getting laid off. So corporate decided to move people around to our location since we were the corporate office.
Enter Ann (not real name) on the teller line. She is your typical middle-aged religious white lady who thinks she’s above everyone else and was the most insufferably nosy person ever.
This is where Ann makes her own bed.
One day I’m finishing up with a client who wants to withdraw some cash before they leave for the day and I walk them to the teller line.
Ann is open, so I bring them to her and briefly use the stapler at her station to staple the clients documents together.
In front of the client, Ann stops and goes “Um, that’s my stapler.”
I tell her that it’s the banks stapler and they supply one to every station. I also give a subtle nod to the client as to remind her this is super unprofessional.
Completely ignoring my hints, she looks me dead in the eyes and goes “Um, I wrote my name on it so it belongs to me.”
And this is when she has to lie in it.
The second that sentence leaves her lips, I formulate a petty plan.
As soon as Ann leaves for the day I get to work. I print out a good 20/30 labels of my name and start taping them to everything in her work space: monitors, individual pens, keyboards, mouses, pictures of her family etc.
The next morning when she came in and saw it her face got super red. Everyone else thought it was hilarious because she was a pain in everyone’s behind.
When she told the manager, he called me in, gave me a half chuckle, and just asked me to go a little easier on her.
Here is what folks are saying.
Maybe it’s the same person!
That’s diabolical. But an amusing thought.
I also want to know! I bet OP didn’t have to do it.
I’m glad this person gets it!
I bet she loves these books.
I like this label loophole.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · annoying coworker, bank teller, childish behavior, diva, entitled person, petty revenge, picture, reddit, selfish people, top

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