Mother Started Crying When He Asked Her What Happened To The Inherited Property, But His Mother Thinks He’s The One Who Is Overly Emotional
by Jayne Elliott
When you inherit property, you can either keep it or sell it.
When multiple people inherit the same property, it’s often a good idea to sell it and split the profit so you don’t have to deal with sharing the cost of upkeep and taxes.
In today’s story, a dad leaves the property he owns to his wife and adult kids.
The problem is that the mother has changed her mind about what she wants to do with the property, and she’s not talking to anyone about it.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for telling my mother I feel entitled to knowing what happen to our properties ?
My father passed two years ago and left us with many belongings and properties, none of which my brother and I want to live in.
One of them was an apartment rented by a 70 years old woman.
Due to her age, our country’s laws wouldn’t allow us to sell it.
A few months ago, she moved out, and the topic of selling came again.
My brother, my mother and I sat down and decided to take the opportunity to sell.
Mom changed her mind.
We met again today, and I asked where the selling is now.
To my surprise, my mother informed me that she decided not to sell anymore, and would sell later.
My brother already knew.
I was shocked, because we made a decision, and I was not informed of the change.
I told them so.
Mom started crying.
My mother began crying and telling me that she could make the decision because she was the one who inherited all the charges.
She was just keeping in the loop out of respect and because she is a good mother, and she just want us to leave her alone.
I told her that I don’t care about the final decision.
I don’t need that money now, I just feel entitled to knowing what happens to my father’s properties, especially when we make a decision together and she decide on her own to change it.
She cried even more.
He didn’t cry.
She cries a lot, for anything that doesn’t go in her way.
I stopped comforting her anytime she cries a long time ago.
I’m in the bathroom right now. I hear them talking.
Apparently I got super emotional about the all thing. I’m not the one who cried tho…
So : AITA ?
It seems weird that the mother would cry so easily when he just wanted to be in the loop.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
If the mom was the one who inherited the properties, she doesn’t have to tell him what she does.
This reader is in a similar situation.
He needs to talk to a lawyer.
There are multiple emotions.
Here’s another vote for talking to a lawyer.
It’s weird that she only told one of her kids and not the other.
It seems like something else might be going on here.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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