New Research Indicates Possibility Of Life In A Nearby Solar System 40 Light Years Away
It’s the question that is forever being asked: is there other life in space?
And I’m not here to tell you that definitive proof of life out there has been found.
But the possibility of it has been confirmed.
Scientists working at the University of Washington, in collaboration with NASA, have identified a group of rocky planets that have a stable enough atmosphere to potentially support other life forms. The new information that they have gathered was recently published in the academic journal Nature Communications.
The closest of these rocky planets to us are around 40 light years away, orbiting an M-dwarf (a type of star) known to us as TRAPPIST-1. Prior notions among the scientific community were that TRAPPIST-1 planets wouldn’t be able to host life, due to intense UV rays that would cause quick evaporation of any surface water. Using the James Webb Space Telescope, however, scientists have explored this fascinating part of space, as the study’s lead author Joshua Krissansen-Totton explained in a statement:
“One of the most intriguing questions right now in exoplanet astronomy is: Can rocky planets orbiting M-dwarf stars maintain atmospheres that could support life? Our findings give reason to expect that some of these planets do have atmospheres, which significantly enhances the chances that these common planetary systems could support life.”
How have the researchers come to these conclusions? Well, they have discovered that there is evidence to suggest that the rocky planets could have stable atmospheres. The presence of these atmospheres would protect the planet from TRAPPIST-1’s UV rays, leading to the possible presence of surface water (vital for life).
While the data that the James Webb Telescope has identified confirms that – just like our solar system – the hottest of the planets are unable to support life due to a lack of a stable atmosphere. (Though Mercury, the closest planet to our Sun does have an atmosphere of sorts, it is wispy and would not do much to protect you from the solar radiation – even if you could withstand its 430°c daytime temperatures and minimal oxygen).
However, there are planets in what is known as the Goldilocks Zone. This means that these planets are far enough away from TRAPPIST-1 that they would be able to keep surface water liquid, and thus support life. In our solar system, the Earth is at the centre of the Goldilocks Zone (‘just right’ for life). Mars is in it too, but only just.
By modelling the formation of a planet from the point of molten rock, as it cooled and formed into a stable planet form, researchers at the University of Washington were able to prove the state of the gases that were present, giving some indication of the possibility of atmospheres. In their modelling, the scientists explained that – for planets in the Goldilocks Zone – hydrogen didn’t leave the planet. Instead it stayed, and reacted with oxygen to form water. This water, along with gases that were present on the rocky planet, formed an atmosphere.
This atmosphere around the modelled planet meant that surface water wasn’t affected by it’s star’s UV rays so much; any water that did evaporate stayed in the atmosphere, raining back down again. Though the James Webb Telescope hasn’t discovered water on these planets yet, but the likelihoods seem to be ever increasing. In the statement, Krissansen-Totton discussed the potential future ramifications of the findings:
“For me, this result is interesting because it suggests that the more temperate planets may have atmospheres and ought to be carefully scrutinized with telescopes, especially given their habitability potential.
Given the huge interest in the search for life elsewhere, our result suggests that it’s worthwhile investing telescope time to continue studying the habitability of these systems.”
We’re a long way from potentially inhabiting another planet yet, or even finding life there, but this study brings new hope to space-lovers around the world.
Who knows: maybe future generations will be packing their bags and leaving for this other solar system.
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