Tenant Kept Having To Deal With His Upstairs Neighbor Throwing Things Off Her Balcony And Onto His, So He Collected Pine Needles From Her Christmas Tree And Returned Them In The Best Way
by Michael Levanduski
When you live in a multi-family facility of any type, you need to be able to deal with your neighbors sometimes.
What would you do if the neighbor living above you kept pushing things (including pet droppings) off their balcony and onto yours?
That is what the neighbor in this story experienced, and he finally got sick of it and returned the favor.
Check it out.
You forgot your Christmas tree needles!
About 4 years ago I had an inconsiderate neighbour living above me in a stacked condo (we were both homeowners of our respective units).
She was a very lazy woman.
This is disgusting.
Her massive dog would use the bathroom on her balcony and it would run onto my patio & furniture, she would play fetch with the dog inside driving me crazy, she spilled paint all over my balcony.
She was the worst!
That year she got a real Christmas tree instead of a fake one.
That’s not good.
Well after Christmas she let it sit on her balcony for months.
By March the tree was totally dead and losing all its needles onto her balcony.
That could be dangerous if the BBQ was lit.
So she decided to throw it over her balcony, onto mine and my steps and BBQ.
Then proceeded to sweep all the needles onto my lower unit property.
We are talking a lot of needles!
I would go out there periodically with a bucket and shovel snow and needles onto the bucket.
I would let the snow melt while the needles where in a strainer.
Every few days I would shove handfuls of pine tree needles onto the hood of her car, under the hood, on her front porch, surrounding her car.
That was nice to give them back.
She got pretty upset but I was simply returning her pine tree needles she forgot ON MY PROPERTY.
Then she moved away, the end.
She is getting exactly what she deserves.
Read on to see what the people in the comments had to say.
It was a great piece of revenge.
Smells great!
This person had a similar story.
It was the right thing to do.
Great job returning her property.
I’m sure she wanted it back.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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