A Woman Drove Like A Jerk When People Were Trying To Merge, So This Driver Decided Not To Let Her Into His Lane
by Matthew Gilligan
A word to the wise…don’t drive like a jerk!
Because if you do, your fellow humans will turn against you in a hurry and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself!
Let this story from Reddit be a warning to you…
Read on to get all the details.
Revenge on lady blocking traffic at merge.
“This happened on my drive south for Thanksgiving.
Saw a sign for a lane closure, left lane closed and merges into a single right lane for construction.
I’m a firm believer in the zipper method – use all lanes while they’re available.
I was driving in the left lane in bumper to bumper slow moving traffic (5-10 mph).
Got to about 200 meters before the lane officially ends and cones force all traffic to the right.
There is a pickup truck behind me (cool dude) and a small SUV in front of me (self proclaimed traffic police lady).
There’s always one out there…
Well, traffic police lady decides that she doesn’t like the zipper method.
So she camps her car in the left lane next to another car and maintains speed, even though the 200 or so meters of road in front of her are now wide open.
Still creeping along at 5-10 mph. SMH.
I flashed my lights (still daylight) to prompt her to either change lanes or use the road.
I could see her face in the left side mirror and could see her smirking. She knew what she was doing.
Well cool guy in the truck behind me merges into the right lane and puts himself very close to the bumper of the car that traffic police lady was camping next to.
It registers in my brain that he is now attempting to exact some revenge on traffic police lady.
It was GO TIME.
So I decide to get in on the karmic justice.
I merge to the right, now behind cool guy, and bring my car close enough to his bumper that traffic police lady wouldn’t be able to squeeze in.
The end of the left lane comes, and cones are forcing traffic police lady to start merging right.
But there is no room.
Cue my malicious chuckle. Ha ha ha.
Sorry, lady!
Traffic police lady realizes what is happening and she is ticked.
Horn blaring. Fingers flying.
But she’s outgunned.
Cool guy and I have out maneuvered her.
She is forced to merge behind me.
Cue more malicious chuckling. Ha ha ha.
Traffic police lady flips me the bird.
Cool guy rolls down his window and gives me a me thumbs up.
I give thumbs up back.
Traffic police lady ended up exiting soon thereafter.
But she was sure to honk her horn while doing so.
I gave her a nice neighborly wave.
Figured she was probably just congratulating me on exacting due justice and I needed to reciprocate with a wave.”
Here’s what folks had to say on Reddit.
This reader offered a tip.
Another individual shared a story.
This person chimed in.
Another individual spoke up.
And this reader had a lot to say.
This is what happens when you drive like a total jerk!
At least, it should be.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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