Dad Feels Uncomfortable At Big Parties, So He Left His Son’s Wedding Before They Even Had Dinner And Convinced His Wife To Leave Early Too
by Heide Lazaro
How would you feel if your parents didn’t care enough about your wedding that they left early? We’re talking right after the ceremony and before the reception begins early.
This man told his son ahead of time why he wasn’t planning on staying for the whole wedding, but his son had no idea just how early his dad planned to leave.
Read the story below and find out how the story played out.
AITA for leaving my son’s wedding early?
My son, Alan (26M), has just recently gotten married to Helen (25-26F).
I love them both very much.
It’s relevant to mention that I really dislike parties and large gatherings.
I’m not sociable at all, and I really just dislike them.
This dad told his son early that he wouldn’t finish the entire wedding reception.
So, it was kind of a downer when I heard that they were going to have a wedding with 150 people.
I told Alan ahead of time that I would probably leave early, and I and the rest of our family would take two cars so that they could stay if they wanted to.
He looked like he didn’t mind at the time.
His son asked if he could at least eat before leaving.
So, at the wedding itself, after the ceremony, I basically told him that I was glad and it looked great, but I was going to go home.
He asked if I was going to at least stay for cake or for food.
But the food didn’t look all that appetizing to me, so I told him I was just going to leave.
Both he and his wife left.
He said, “Alright. Whatever. Just go.”
And I went back to my table to get my stuff.
I told my wife, and she said she didn’t feel comfortable driving back alone. The venue was very far from us, and the roads there were not great.
I said, in that case, she should come with me.
After some hemming and hawing, she agreed. So we left.
Alan’s wife sent them hate messages after a couple of days.
Then two days later, Alan’s new wife bombarded me and my wife with messages saying that she was disgusted with us.
Saying horrible things about us, and insulting us as people and as parents.
Really just sickening.
The daughter-in-law said they ruined the wedding.
I told her off and asked why she thought it was okay to talk to her in-laws like that.
And she said that us leaving “ruined” the wedding for Alan and that he was very upset for the rest of the night.
She continued to berate us.
He called Alan to inform him about this, but Alan started berating him, too.
I politely told her to leave us alone.
I called Alan, mainly to inform him that his wife had a temper that he should know about.
When we talked about it, he basically started berating me, too and said things like, “You always do this,” and “Just leave me alone” before hanging up.
I feel like I’m justified since I told him ahead of time that I wasn’t going to stay.
AITA here?
Oh no! What a disaster. Let’s see what others have to say about this on Reddit.
This person shares their honest opinion.
It’s your duty as the father, says this one.
People are calling out the father.
This daughter shared a similar experience.
And lastly, a valid point from this user.
These parents of the groom sound clueless!
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, berate, going home, large gathering, picture, reddit, social anxiety, top, wedding

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