Dad Never Paid Child Support When His Son Was Growing Up, So When He Asked If Him And His Wife Could Move In His Son Refused
by Heide Lazaro
Having an unsupportive parent can have long-term effects on children. Even worse is having an absentee parent that isn’t really a part of your life at all.
This man explains that his dad never even paid child support when he was growing up. Now, his dad is asking him for a huge favor, but he doesn’t want to help.
Read below for more details.
AITA for reminding my dad he didn’t pay child support?
Growing up, I never really knew my dad. He was in and out of the picture.
In later years, he and my mom would argue over his jail time and for not paying child support.
My mom died, and I live in her house with my girlfriend and her child.
This man never really felt a connection with his dad.
In my adult life, my relationship has been the same with my dad.
He reached out after my mom’s death, but he never really made the effort.
I always felt this when he tried to have a relationship with me. It was always for a new girlfriend’s or wife’s benefit, not mine.
His dad wanted to move into his house after an injury.
My dad recently had a bed wreck, and his apartment only had stairs.
He and his new wife acted like they will move into my home since it’s an old school ranch house all one floor.
He refused because his dad was unsupportive growing up.
I told him no.
He asked me why I didn’t trust him. And he said that he would pay rent.
I told him why would I trust him to pay rent when he never paid my mom child support for years?
His dad’s wife said he was being rude.
His wife told me that was a rude thing to say.
I told them, maybe they should ask one of her five kids or one of my dad’s three other kids.
I’m 1 of 9, and I’m not stepping up to help, because he has never helped me.
His dad’s family got upset.
They accused me of dragging up their past.
I told them their attitude is not going to mesh with mine, long-term.
I was asked to leave the hospital because I was upsetting them while my dad was still there.
It seems bold of the dad to assume he could move in when they don’t have a very close relationship.
Let’s see what others have to say about this on Reddit.
This user shares some honest advice.
Here’s another sensible insight.
You don’t owe him anything, says this person.
Short and simple remark.
Very well said by this person!
You don’t get all the privileges of parenthood without any of the responsibility.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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