January 31, 2025 at 11:35 pm

Employer And Manager Mistreated Them And Drove Them To Quit, So They Took Their Documentation And Went To OSHA In Order To Enact Some Sweet Revenge

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock

You can do a great job where you work, but if your manager decides that they want you gone, they will find a way to drive you out.

What would you do if the company where you worked gave you extra work, made up reasons to write you up, and even withheld your final paycheck when you quit?

That is what the person in this story had to endure, but they were able to document it all and get OSHA to come in and get revenge.

Falsely accuse me and withhold my pay? Say goodbye to your business.

I worked at a small local spa company.

There was only about 6 workers there.

I worked there for a year and a half and only met the owner once, but talked to them on the phone a lot.

She was crazy, but that’s besides the point.

Anyways, I got hired because my friend’s mom (Pam) was the manager and someone had quit in the middle of their shift so they needed someone fast.

I worked really well there and learned very fast.

I was very good at the job to the point where after a couple of months they sent new hires to be trained by me (turnover here was bad).

Why am I not surprised?

Despite this, I didn’t get a raise or anything.

It wasn’t a big deal, but it would’ve been nice.

Anyways, I was always a closer.

There would be a list of things I had to do after we closed like vacuum and dust and such. Janitorial things.

As months go by, Pam begins to pick apart things.

A string was left on the rug, the candy bowls weren’t filled (even though they weren’t even half gone), etc. nothing too big, but they made it seem like I liked their mother.

Slowly, things started to get worse.

Eventually I was being told that I was not cleaning rooms that I know for a fact I had.

Now I admit that once in a while I would forget to clean something, but I was a getting yelled at for things I knew for a fact I cleaned.

My other problem was that when my coworkers would forget the same exact things she wouldn’t yell at them, but would just say “try to remember” or something along those lines.

Eventually, Pam got other coworkers to lie so that she could report me to the owner.

Many days I came right from school and would be wearing jeans.

Pam left right when I got there so after I clocked in and counted the drawer, I would go and change into my work pants.

Terrible coworkers.

Well, it turns out other coworkers would lie and tell her I never changed.

After this, I began taking pictures and time-stamping them.

This worked for a little while, but then my coworkers would say I changed back into jeans after that picture.

And when it came to cleaning she would say I didn’t clean it well enough, etc.

All of these would get turned into the owner, but she wouldn’t fire me because they were so desperate for people and no one wanted to work there (I wonder why).

Eventually, I quit because I had a job for the summer that gave me many more hours.

In my summer job I made the same amount of money in 7 weeks that I made in a year at the last place.

Right after I left I learned why Pam wanted me gone so bad.

Pam hired her son (my exfriend) because he was too lazy to work a job where he couldn’t sit around all day.

Why would they be paying in cash? That’s illegal in most situations.

That made me mad, but even worse they wouldn’t give me my last payment (we were paid in cash).

I sent multiple emails and text messages to Pam and the owner that reminded them that I needed it.

When those went unanswered, I then threatened legal action.

Being a high schooler I don’t believe they thought I would do anything.

How wrong they were.

Well, there were many reasons I was mad about this and so I decided I’d document every single thing about it that place.

They were really abusing this person.

These include:

  • 8+ hour work day with no breaks or a lunch (both of which are required in my state)
  • Rats in the basement
  • Ant infestation
  • Fake security cameras
  • Allowing underage drinking
  • Pam faking the amount of money we had to pay her son and daughter for “under the table work”
  • Child labor – Pam’s daughter was not old enough to work
  • Not fixing things like building framework, mold, etc.
  • Allowing temperatures to go above and below the legal limit (on bad days it’s was above 100 or below 50 inside)
  • Drug use
  • Pam giving themselves a raise (even though they already made more than everyone else there)
  • Selling client information
  • Pam compiling clients for another worker to take with them to a new company (usually not illegal but the way they went about it was. I don’t remember the exact details)
  • Not doing anything about harassment
  • Not paying workers – there’d be days where we didn’t have enough money in the drawer and the owner and/or Pam would be too lazy to go to the bank so they would just straight up not pay us.

Not only this, but prior to me leaving, I recorded some of the verbal abuse from Pam.

Believe it or not, I even got them to admit to making false write ups on me.

There was more, but I can’t remember what else right now.

Anyways, I compiled all of this and sent it in an email to OSHA.

Then it all went down.

Wow, that got serious fast.

In the end, both Pam and the owner were served with some hefty fines and Pam is even facing jail time right now for fraud.

The owner had to shut down their business and sell it.

I don’t know if the owner is facing any jail time.

I also emailed every spa within 50 miles so the owner, Pam, and some coworkers have been blacklisted from working within an hour of where we’re located.

I never did receive my last payment, it wasn’t worth going to court over, but what came out of it was so much better.

Wow, Pam and the owner really shot themselves in the foot here.

Let’s read what the people in the comments have to say.

This would be so satisfying.

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge

Good information from this commenter.

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge

Here is someone who had an experience like this but couldn’t prove it.

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge

This person went through something similar.

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge

Good question.

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge

Things really got out of hand for the owners.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.