He Tried To Teach His Wife A Lesson In Time Management By Leaving Without Her To Go To A Ballgame, But When He Came Home She Taught Him A Lesson In Respect
by Benjamin Cottrell
It’s natural to get frustrated when plans don’t go as expected, but turning your frustration into a punishment is another story.
One partner is always hounding on his girlfriend about being on time. So when the day of a big ballgame comes, he decides to leave without his partner to “teach her a lesson” in time management.
But when he returned, he found himself in the doghouse with a lesson of his own to learn.
Read on for the full story.
AITA for driving away without my wife because she can’t plan?
For the past week, my wife and I had been anticipating a baseball game for which we had purchased tickets.
We like baseball, but we don’t attend many games, so traveling into the city to see games is a rare treat.
He had set a strict timeline for their departure.
I know, though, that it would take time to drive there and find parking, due to traffic.
Because the game started at 7 PM, and we live about 45 minutes from the stadium, I told her this morning that she needed to be ready to get in the car and go by 6 PM.
He was anticipating that she would be late — as she normally was.
Well, my wife is an avid gamer, so she was engrossed in her latest video game when the clock struck 5:45 PM.
She has struggled to plan in the past, and I get tired of reminding her that she needs to budget time to get ready.
It’s as if she has no concept of time at all, similar to a young child.
So when she wasn’t ready exactly on the dot, he decided to teach her a lesson.
I was ready to go by 6 PM, and she was in the bathroom.
I saw this as an opportunity to teach her personal responsibility, so I simply left the house without saying a word, got in the car, and started driving to the game.
It took my wife a few minutes to figure out what I had done, but when she called me, she was absolutely furious.
She couldn’t believe he would do something like this.
She said that it was a completely unacceptable move for me to leave without telling her and that she now had no way to get to the game without paying for parking.
But he felt he was justified in doing this.
I told her that I got tired of constantly waiting for her and that she would plan better next time if she didn’t want to get left behind.
I also reminded her that I had told her that morning when I expected her to be ready to leave.
Absolutely none of this seemed to matter, though, and she rudely hung up on me after yelling out more insults.
He pleads his case even further.
Frankly, I think it’s completely insane that a grown woman is unable to budget her time.
I’m starting to suspect that she is doing this on purpose because she’s a narcissist who expects me to accommodate her.
After all, she’s not a dumb woman.
She has a science degree.
Well, she never showed up to the stadium, and I didn’t hear from her the whole game.
When he got home, tensions were still high.
When I got home, there was a note on the door.
She told me that I wasn’t welcome in the bedroom and that I should sleep on the couch.
I can’t believe she wants to be this much of a pill.
He thinks she should apologize to him.
If I had waited for her, I would have missed the first pitch.
I made my expectations clear, and she couldn’t be bothered to meet them.
I feel like she should be apologizing to me.
If she’s a pill, then he’s the whole pharmacy.
Let’s see what Reddit had to say.
There are multiple things wrong with this person’s attempt to teach their girlfriend a lesson.
The way you describe someone — especially your partner — speaks volumes.
This commenter has four choice things to say to this vindictive person.
It’s clear to this user that the wife isn’t the one who’s in the wrong.
Being on time to a ballgame shouldn’t come at the cost of leaving your partner in the dust.
It makes you wonder what was this whole thing was really about — responsibility or control.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, always late, being late, controlling, Couples fighting, husband, late people, picture, reddit, relationship drama, relationships, top

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