Her Brother Dumps Her Last Pair Of Contacts And Lies About It, But Their Family Actually Blames Her Instead Even Though She’s Legally Blind
by Diana Whelan
A 20-year-old woman returned home for winter break only to find herself at the center of family drama.
When her brother destroyed her last pair of contact lenses, leaving her unable to see, her family dismissed her concerns and turned the blame on her instead.
Read on for the story.
AITA: I’m upset because of my brother and my family turned this issue onto me.
To preface, I (20F) am a glasses and contact wearer and I only come home during winter break to see my family, but to also go to refill prescriptions and go to doctors and dentists.
I never stay for very long, because, due to situations in the past I don’t feel comfortable staying with my immediate family for long periods of time.
It being December, I was on my last pair of contact lenses and my appointment to go see my optometrist is in two days.
But once I order my contacts they will not get to my university address until after my semester courses begin.
Nothing like seeing family through a pair of “last-resort” lenses—literally and emotionally.
That said, I had just planned to wear my contacts to the end of the month and switch to my glasses when I head back to school.
However, today, my brother (17M) literally dumped out my last pair of contacts and I found the case and my contact solution scattered on the bathroom counter.
Obviously that was my only way to see anything for the remainder of the year.
I confronted him and he denied everything even though he was the only other person who had been in that bathroom at that point in the day.
Mind you, he has a history of lying to cops and other family members.
Anyway, I started texting him because he needed to give me the money to replace my contacts and he said he wasn’t going to give me a dime and then sent the conversation to my sister (23F).
When your vision’s 20/20 but your brother’s accountability is legally blind.
She then started talking unnecessarily loud about how mean she thought I was but conveniently failed to mention that my brother called me various insults.
Including calling me fat because my mother, father, and sister said that about me the moment I got home from school.
At that point, they all started yelling at me saying that my brother is a huge help around the house.
(keep in mind that he has gotten into trouble with the school and the cops and threw my parents into debt because he caused a car accident)
I don’t even know how I’ll make it through the airport or back to school without being able to see.
Not only that, but I have a conference and school starting up again soon and if I can’t see I won’t be able to do well.
But to them, I’m overreacting and I’m “being mean” to him even though they won’t address what he has done.
Ah yes, the classic “family gaslights you into blindness” special—10/10 would not recommend.
Mind you, this is what it has always been like.
I end up getting in trouble when people do wrong against me, hence why I don’t come home very often.
Despite the brother’s history of irresponsible behavior, the family chose to defend him while ignoring the real issue.
Reddit, however, is not.
This person says brother is surely the AH here.
This person says the whole family sounds coo-coo.
This person suggests carrying glasses as a backup.
When it comes to accountability, this family’s vision is as blurry as hers without contacts.
What in the world.
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