Her Husband’s Family Ate Thanksgiving Dinner Without Her, So She Left The Festivities And Didn’t Return
by Ashley Ashbee
Family functions can be pretty tense, even on holidays. But most family members probably have at least some concept of manners.
But that wasn’t the experience of the woman in this story. Read about why she bowed out of Thanksgiving dinner.
AITA for leaving Thanksgiving early and saying I’m going to another family function?
I am a people pleaser. I am trying to work through that and I think that’s why I may be feeling like I’m the jerk or entitled. I’m afraid I may be making mountains out of molehills.
I am no contact with my entire family. After years of abuse, the minute MY children were targeted, I went no contact and that was that. I even legally changed my name.
It’s about to become clear why.
We do all of our holiday stuff with my husbands family. We were a military family and my husband got out two years ago so that’s about as long as we’ve been dealing with this type of thing.
Yesterday, Thanksgiving, we’re at the function and my MIL had brought her press on nail collection so everyone was going through that. I realize that I had forgotten the deviled eggs. No one was ready to eat and none of the food was out yet so I decided to run home and get them.
I live a few minutes down the road. I was gone for less than 20 minutes. When I came back, everyone was just about done eating and about three people made comments about the “party foul” I committed by forgetting the eggs. I’ll be honest, my feelings were extremely hurt.
I did not say a word. I sat down for maybe 10 minutes before my husband’s grandmother called out to me from across the room by my old name asking if she can take the rest of the eggs home.
My husband corrected her with my new name and she responds with “I’m not calling her that. She will be [old name] for me.”
This is the same woman that asked me if they “left another one in there” the day I came home from the hospital after having my second child.
So they took drastic measures.
He and my MIL both got on her and at that point my husband and I packed us and the kids up and left.
I feel blatantly disrespected. If the food was out and everyone was ready to eat, I wouldn’t have gone to get the eggs or I wouldn’t have been upset that they went ahead and ate. It was the fact that in the 20 minutes I was gone they took all the food out, displayed it, fixed all their plates and then ate without having everyone there.
I think it upsets me because I would never have done that as a host. I postponed the festivities on my children’s birthday party because the same family members that hosted Thanksgiving were late to their party and I didn’t want them to miss out. I feel that it’s super inconsiderate.
Am I right to feel disrespected or am I being totally entitled right now?
Here is what folks have to say.
Excellent advice. Friends can be more like family.
This is a good take. You have to take this with a grain of salt.
That’s what I would do. I hope she had a pizza at home!
Fingers crossed her husband understands.
Definitely. That’s some hardcore coordination.
I hope the turkey was dry.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, disrespect, picture, reddit, rude, thanksgiving, top, toxic family
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