Her Roommate Swaps High-Quality Groceries For Cheap Replacements, So She Finally Demanded The Food She Paid For
by Benjamin Cottrell
Living with roommates requires lots of compromise, but even the most understanding people have their limits.
When one roommate kept using her expensive organic groceries and replacing them with the cheapest alternative, it set the stage for an uncomfortable conversation.
Read on for the full story.
WIBTA if I ask for the eggs I paid for than the generic ones from my roommate
So my (F, 22) roommate (M, 21) messages in the group chat and says, ‘Hey folks, I’ve used someone’s eggs from the fridge. I will return them when I get my grocery tomorrow.’
When I got home, I saw they were mine, and they’re all gone except for one.
I don’t remember how many were in there, but I didn’t use much, and it was a box of 12 eggs.
There’s one issue that sticks out larger than the rest.
Now, I don’t have a problem at all that he used them, but the problem is he has done this before with other groceries like veggies and eggs.
When he replaces them, he gets the generic stuff — the cheapest option.
She goes to great lengths to buy quality items.
I’m very particular about my groceries.
I take time to choose what variety of apples, tomatoes, eggs, etc., I want.
Most of the time, I get the more expensive version because I just like it better.
This behavior has been a recurring problem from him.
Last time he borrowed some tomatoes, they were heirloom tomatoes that I got from the farmers market.
When he replaced them, he got the normal ones. I just said, ‘Don’t worry about it. I don’t want those tomatoes.’
These eggs he borrowed were also very particular ones.
Now, this time, the eggs I use are organic, free-range, extra-large eggs, and they are more expensive than the normal ones.
I don’t want to use the generic ones just because he wouldn’t get them.
Now she’s wondering the best way to bring this issue to his attention without breaking the peace.
So, WIBTA if I say anything about these things?
If not, what should I say to him?
I don’t want to make it too awkward, but I would still like to address it.
Small actions often reflect larger intentions, we like it or not.
What did Reddit have to say?
A robust labeling system could do this household a lot of good.
This commenter urges the renter to not be shy about asking for exactly what she’s owed.
The roommate may not even know this is a big deal to her, which makes it even more important to have an open and honest conversation.
Regardless of what less detail-oriented people claim, there is a notable difference between organic and generic.
The roommate may not think borrowing a few eggs is a big deal, and maybe it isn’t, but it is up to him to make a good faith effort to replace them correctly.
Sometimes it’s just the principle of the thing.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, annoying roommates, bad roommates, generic food, health conscious, healthy eating, healthy food, organic, organic groceries, picture, reddit, roommate drama, top

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