Her Sister-in-Law Wouldn’t Stop Pestering Her About Her Name Change, So She Blew Up At Her And Made Her Cry
by Matthew Gilligan
Some people just can’t take a hint…
You’d think that folks would get the message after you tell them something once or twice, but we all know how stubborn some people are.
Which brings us to today’s story!
Was this woman wrong for making her sister-in-law cry?
Get all the details below and see what you think!
AITA for making my pregnant SIL cry when she kept asking why I changed my name?
“My brother (30m) is married to Hailey (29f) and they’re expecting a baby together.
Last year I (17f) officially changed my first name from Evelyn to Indie (which was a nickname form of my original middle name).
My parents gave in after realizing how serious I was about being Indie and how I was not warming up to or growing into Evelyn.
My brother and Hailey want an older/vintage name for their baby and Hailey asked me about 5 months ago why I disliked Evelyn enough to change the name. At the time she brought up how popular the name has become and how vintage is back.
Here’s the deal…
I told her I didn’t like vintage names and to me it sounded really old fashioned. I told her the popularity didn’t influence my decision.
She wanted to know my reason for disliking older names and why I liked something like Indie instead.
I didn’t mind her asking this first time.
She asked multiple times.
She brought it up again a week later and she asked the same question and pressed more for why.
She asked a third and a fourth time.
I gave her the same answer and asked her why she kept asking me. I told her my answer wasn’t going to change.
She had a good reason for asking.
By the seventh time she asked she admitted she was worried her baby wouldn’t like having an older name and wanted to figure out what she could do to prevent what happened with me happening to her.
She also said she’d like me to rethink my name because she thought Evelyn was beautiful and she was sad I had chosen something like Indie over it.
I asked her to stop so many times already and I even asked my brother to stop her.
He told me I needed to understand it was the hormones.
She’s still asking the same question.
I can easily say she has asked me this more than 25 times by now.
I’m not exaggerating that number either.
Two weeks ago when she brought it up again she felt like I had made a mistake changing my name and how 30 year old me wouldn’t be so against Evelyn.
I told her 30 year old me can deal with it if that happens.
She told me I didn’t really have a good reason to like the name and Indie seemed like the kind of name someone young likes but not someone older.
This woman wouldn’t give it a rest!
Then yesterday happened and I kinda lost my temper.
She started out asking the same stuff and the baby is almost ready to be born so I know it’s coming to an end but she asked me to really think about why and help her because she couldn’t figure out what she’d do differently than my parents did.
Then she said they really shouldn’t have let me change my name so young.
Now the pregnant mom is crying.
I snapped and I told her to stop asking me the same question because my answer won’t change and her comments are not changing my mind because I don’t like old fashioned names.
I told her I think they’re awful and I’m sick and tired of hearing about how much better they are and having her try to make me find a reason she finds acceptable.
I told her just like she doesn’t like Indie, I don’t like Evelyn and she needs to let it go already.
She burst into tears and my brother got so mad at me.
My parents were also like why did I have to speak to her so harshly.
I bet the pregnant mom picked an old fashioned name for her baby and is worried the baby won’t like the name.
Here’s how folks reacted on Reddit.
This reader nailed it.
Another individual said she’s NTA.
This person chimed in.
Another reader didn’t hold back.
If someone tells you to back off, listen to them!
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